

Master's Programs Offered
Fields of Study
  College of Literature and
  Chinese Language and
  Theory of Art and Literature
  Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
  Chinese Philology
  Chinese Classical literature Documentation
  Chinese Ancient Literature
  Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  Comparative Literature & World Literature
  Journalism  Sociology of News
  Media Research (Television and New Media)
  Ethnic Cultural Communication
  College of Philosophy and
  Social Development
  Philosophy  Marxist Philosophy
  Chinese Philosophy
  Foreign Philosophy
  Religious Studies
  Philosophy of Science and Technology
  College of History and Ethnic
  Ethnology  Ethnology
  Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy
  Chinese Minority Economy
  History of Chinese Ethnic Minorities
  Minority Traditional Sports                    Minority Traditional Sports and Culture Research
  Development and Utilization of Minority Traditional Sports
  Traditional Ethnic Sports Education and Training
   Chinese History                   Ancient Chinese History (The History of Culture and
  Thoughts; History of Regional Society)
  Modern and Contemporary Chinese History (History of
  Political Thoughts; History of Development of Local
  History of Particular Subjects (History of China-Foreign
  Relations; Cultural History)
    College of Foreign Languages
  Foreign Language and
  English Language and Literature
  Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
  Japanese Language and Literature
  Teaching Chinese to Speakers
  of Other Languages
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  English Translation
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Japanese Translation
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  College of Music  Theory of Art  Art Criticism
  Ethnic Arts and Ethnic Culture Research
  Protection and Inheritance of Folk Music
  Music and Dance Studies  Instrumental Performance and Theoretical Study
  Folk Dance Research
  Theatre and Film Research  Performance Theory and Practice
  Music (Professional Degree)  Vocal Performance
  Instrumental Performance
  Music Conducting
  College of Fine Arts
  Design  Graphic Design
  Design and Planning of Brand Image
  Packaging Design
  Art (Professional Degree)  Chinese Painting
  Oil Painting
  Art and Design
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  College of Law  Law  Legal Theory
  Legal History
  Constitutional and Administrative Law
  Criminal Law
  Civil and Commercial Law
  Procedural Law
  Economic Law
  Environmental and Resources Protection Law
  International Law
  Law (not science of law)
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Law (Science of law)
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  College of Economics
  Applied Economics  National Economics
  Regional Economics
  Fiscal Policy
  Ffinancial Policy
  Industrial Economics
  International Trade
  Labor Economics
  Quantitative Economics
  Finance (Professional Degree)  No further division in research fields
  Statistics  No further division in research fields
  College of Management  Industrial Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Logistics Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Rural and Regional
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Management Science and
  Management System Engineering
  Industrial Engineering Management (Including logistics and
  supply chain)
  Information Management and Information System
  Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
  Service Science and Engineering (Including financial
  Enterprise Management  Strategy Management and Marketing Management
  Company Management and Financial Management
  Human Resource Management
  Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  Chi  Agricultural Economics and Management
  Forestry Economics and Management
  Chi  No further division in research fields
  College of Tourism and Culture
  Tourism Management  Sustainable Development of Tourism Economy
  Tourism Planning and Development
  Tourism and Cultural Industries
  College of Public
  Political Theory  No further division in research fields
  Sociology  No further division in research fields
  Demography  No further division in research fields
  Public Administration  Administrative Management
  Social Security
  Public Policy
  Land Resource Management  No further division in research fields
  Social Work
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Public Administration
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  School of Marxism
  Basic Principles of Marxism  No further division in research fields
  Research on Marxism in China  No further division in research fields
  Education in Ideology and
  No further division in research fields
  College of Mathematics and
  Computer Science
  Mathematics  Basic Mathematics
  Computational Mathematics
  Probability and Mathematical Statistics
  Applied Mathematics
  Operational Research and Cybernetics
  College of Physics
  Physics  Theoretical Physics
  Physics of Condensed Matter
  理论与实测天体物理  No further division in research fields
  College of Life Science               Biology  Botany
  Developmental Biology
  Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  Ecology  Ecological Sciences
  Ecological Engineering
  (Professional Degree)

   No further division in research fields
  College of Computer Science
  and Technology
  Computer Science and
  Computer Software and Theory
  Computer Application Technology
  Network and Information Security
  Computer Technology
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields  
  Software Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  College of Big Data and
  Informaton Engineering
  Electronic Science and
  Physical Electronics
  Circuits and Systems
  Microelectronics and Solid Electronics
  Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology
  Information and Communication
  Communication and Information System
  Signal and Information Processing
  Electronics and
  Communications Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Integrated Circuit Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  College of Mechanical
  Mechanical Engineering  Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
  Mechatronic Engineering
  Mechanical Design and Theory
  Vehicle Engineering
  Material Process Engineering
   Design Studies  产品创新设计研究
  Industrial Design Theory & Method
  Information & Interaction Design
  Mechanical Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Industrial Design Engineering  No further division in research fields
  College of Electrical
  Electrical Engineering  Power System and Automation
  Power Electronics and Power Drives
  Control Science and
  Control Theory and Control Engineering
  Detection Technology and Automated Installation
  power engineering(Professional Degree)  No further division in research fields
  Electrical Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Control Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  College of Civil Engineering
  and Building Construction
  Civil Engineering  No further division in research fields
  Structural Engineering
  Municipal Engineering
  Bridge and Tunnel Engineering
  Architectural and Civil Engineering  No further division in research fields
  water conservancy project   No further division in research fields
  College of Architecture and
  Urban Planning
  Architecture and Civil
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  College of Materials and
  Materials Science and
  Materials Physics and Chemistry
  Materials Science
  Materials Processing Engineering
  Metallurgical Engineering  Ferrous Metallurgy
  Non-ferrous Metallurgy
  Materials Processing Engineering
  Materials Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Metallurgical Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  College of
  Chemical Engineering
  Chemistry  Inorganic Chemistry
  Analytical Chemistry
  Physical Chemistry
  Materials Science and
  Materials Science
  Chemical Engineering and
  Chemical Engineering
  Chemical Technology
  Applied Chemistry
  Material Chemistry
  Chemical Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  College of Mining
  Science and Technology of
  Surveying and Mapping
  Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering
  Cartography and Geographical System Engineering
  Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing
  Mineral Engineering  Mineral Engineering
  Mineral Processing Engineering
  Exploitation and Utilization of Mineral Resources
  Safety Science and Engineering  Safety Science
  Safety Technology
  Safety System Engineering
  Mineral Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  Mining Engineering
  Mineral Processing Engineering
   Mine Safety and Disaster Prevention
  College of Resource and
  Environment Engineering
  geology  Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposits
  Paleontology and Stratigraphy
  Structural Geology
  Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration  No further division in research fields
  geologic engineering  No further division in research fields
  Environmental science and engineering  Environmental Science
  Environmental Engineering
  Geological Engineering  No further division in research fields
  environmental engineering   No further division in research fields
  College of Liquor and Food
  Applied Biotechnology  Microbes and Fermentation Technology
  Food Biotechnology
  Enzyme Engineering and Gene Technology
  Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy    Natural Medicine and biochemical pharmaceutics
  food and biology engineering    微生物与酿酒工程
  Food Science and Engineering  Food Science
  Grain, Grease and Vegetable Protein Engineering
  Agricultural Products Processing and Storage Engineering
  Light Industry Technology
  and Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Food Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  pharmaceutical engineering (Professional Degree)  No further division in research fields
  Food Processing and Safety
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  College of Agriculture  Biology  Zoology
  Crop Science   Crop Cultivation and Geoponics
  Crop Genetics and Breeding
  Pomology  No further division in research field
  Agricultural Resources and
  Plant Nutriology
  Plant Protection  Plant Pathology
  Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control
  Agro-products Quality and Safety
  农艺与种业  No further division in research field
  Resource Utilization and plant protection  No further division in research field
  College of Forestry
  Ecology  Ecological Science
  Ecological Engineering
  Landscape Architecture  No further division in research field
  Forestry  Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding
  Science of Forestry Cultivation
  Science of Forestry Protection
  Science of Forestry Management
  Wildlife Conservation and Utilization
  Garden Plants and Ornamental Gardening
  Soil and Water Conservation and Combating Desertification
  Landscape Architecture
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research field
  College of Zoology  Zootechnical Science  Animal Genetics,Breeding and Reproduction
  Animal Nutrition and Feed Science
  Special Economic Animal Raising
  Z Aquaculture Science  Genetic and Breeding of Aquatic Animals and Germplasm
  Aquatic Animal Breeding and Developmental Biology
  Culture and Enhancement of Fish
  Veterinary Science  Basic Veterinary Science
  Preventive Veterinary Science
  Clinic Veterinary Science
  Practaculture  Grassland Ecosystem and Management
  Grass Germplasm Resources and Breeding
  Grass Producing and Processing
  农艺与种业   No further division in research field
  Zootechnical Science
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research field
  Fishing Industry
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research field
  Veterinary Science
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research field
  College of Pharmacy
  Medicinal Chemistry  Active Constituents of Natural Medicine
  Medicine Molecular Designing and medicine development
  Structure Modification and Total Synthesis of Active
  Ingredients of Natural Medicine
  Pharmaceutical Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research field
  College of Tobacco Science  crop science  Tobacco
  农艺与种业  Tobacco
  College of Medical
  Biomedical  生物标志物与药物靶向
  Medical Molecular Biology
  Medical Information Engineering  Medical intelligent information processing
  社会医学与卫生事业管理  卫生政策与卫生法规
  College of Tea Science  Bioengineering  No further division in research fields
  农艺与种业  No further division in research fields
  Research and Development
  Center for Fine Chemical
   Organic Chemistry  Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  Natural Organic Chemistry
  Bioorganic Chemistry
  Pesticide Science  Tobacco
  Design Synthesis and Molecular Target of Green Medication
  Natural Product Chemistry and Bionic Pesticide
  Applied Chemistry  Pesticides Analysis and Processing
  Fine Organic Synthesis
  Applied Organic Chemistry
  Pesticide Science  Biomass Energy
  Pesticide Toxicology
  Research Center for Spatial
  Materials and Structure
  Box-type System of Space Lattice and New Composite
  Structure Engineering  No further division in research fields
  The Provincial Key Lab of Karst
  Environment and Geological
  Hazard Prevention and
  Geotechnical Engineering  No further division in research fields
  Geological Engineering  No further division in research fields
  Environment Science and
  Environment Science
  Environment Engineering
  Geological Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Environment Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  The Provincial Key Lab of
  Modern Manufacturing
  Mechanical Engineering  Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
  Mechatronic Engineering
  Design Studies  Cultural heritage protection and Digital Media Art
  Protection of Minority Culture and Aesthetical Studies
  Mechanical Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
  Industrial Design Engineering
  (Professional Degree)
  No further division in research fields
