

Signing Ceremony for Pairing Assistance and Cooperation between Zhejiang University and GZU held in the Academy of Chinese Culture
发布人:GZU  发布时间:2018-02-21   浏览次数:945

On the afternoon of October 15th, the Signing Ceremony for Pairing Assistance and Cooperation between Zhejiang University and GZU was held in Mianxue Hall of the Academy of Chinese Culture on the North Campus of GZU. Attendees of the ceremony included: Wei Guonan, the Deputy Governor of Guizhou Provincial People’s Government; Zhou Mingqin, the Deputy Secretary-General of Guizhou Provincial People’s Government; Wang Bihai, the Deputy Director-General of Guizhou Provincial Department of Education; Zou Xiaodong, the Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University; Luo Weidong, the Vice President of Zhejiang University; and Li Jianjun, Wang Honglei, Linghu Caitao, Wang Fangheng, Xiang Shuwen and Zhang Qin, the members of the leading group of GZU. Directors of the Higher Education Division of the Department of Provincial Education, and directors of relevant administration offices and schools of Zhejiang University and GZU also attended the Signing Ceremony. Wang Honglei, the Executive Vice President of GZU, presided over the Ceremony.

Li Jianjun, the Secretary of the Party committee of GZU, addressed the Signing Ceremony. He gave a brief overview of the history of Zhejiang University’s pairing assistance to GZU over the past 18 years. Li Jianjun pointed out that, under the leadership of the Ministry of Education, the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and with the support of Zhejiang University, GZU has continued with its reform and development. Furthermore, with a more effective strategy for management, it has improved its overall strength and influence, playing a leading role in the development of higher education in Guizhou Province. He added that without the aid of Zhejiang University, GZU would not have achieved such development. All teachers and students of GZU would bear their support in mind and be full of gratitude.

On behalf of their respective Universities, Luo Weidong and Xiang Shuwen, signed the framework agreement on pairing assistance and cooperation and the relevant schools of the two universities signed cooperation agreements.

Wei Guonan also delivered a speech at the Ceremony. On behalf of the Guizhou Provincial People’s Government, he expressed heartfelt appreciation to Zhejiang University for its long-term support and assistance to education in Guizhou. He said the signing of the pairing assistance and cooperation agreement will lend fresh impetus to the development of GZU. He believes GZU will grow fast with the continuing guidance and assistance of Zhejiang University. Wei Guonan expressed four hopes: the first is to give priority to the work of pairing assistance and cooperation; the second is to ensure that all cooperation agreements come into effect and serve its purpose; the third is to develop a model of pairing assistance and cooperation; the fourth is to enhance the function of serving economy and society.

Then Zou Xiaodong made a speech, pointing out that Guizhou is the second hometown of Zhejiang University, because during the Anti-Japanese War, Zhejiang University moved westward to Guizhou and, from then on, a close friendship has been forged between Zhejiang University and the people of Guizhou. Hence, Zhejiang University has an obligation to help and support Guizhou in its development. He stressed the significance of improving political awareness and fulfilling responsibilities in the pairing assistance and cooperation. According to him, the advantages of both sides need to be taken full advantage of, so as to promote mutual cooperation and enhance the level of collaboration; also, the cooperation mechanism is expected to improve, with all departments and schools from both sides to be mobilized. He believed that significant accomplishments will be made in the development and reform of higher education in the new era with the joint efforts of the two universities, thus making greater contributions to realizing the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.

According to the Agreement of Pairing Assistance and Cooperation, Zhejiang University will support GZU in such fields as teacher development, talent cultivation, discipline construction, staff exchanges, scientific research, and social services. Moreover, a team of pairing assistance headed by the main leaders of the two universities will be set up. The team will meet at least once a year to make annual reviews of the work of pairing assistance and to discuss plans for the period to come.

Text Liang Yukun and Huang Linyu, GZU News Center
Photography Chen Heng, GZU News Center
Editor Liang Yukun
Senior editor Yang Bo
