

National Tour of the "Zhou Enlai Family Values Photo Exhibition" at GZU
发布人:fl  发布时间:2018-11-14   浏览次数:1045

On November 5th, the national tour of the Zhou Enlai Family Values Photo Exhibition kicked off at GZU, followed by an opening ceremony at the Library Report Hall on the new campus of GZU.

Present at the ceremony were Zhou Yi, Huai’an Municipal Standing Committee member in Zhejiang; Zhou Yi, director of the Publicity Department; Wang Honghong, deputy director of Guizhou Provincial Education Department; and Linhu Caitao, deputy secretary of the GZU Party Committee. Hundreds of key persons in charge attended the event. Some were from different sectors in Huai’an city, including the Health and Family Plan Commission, Bureau of Culture, Radio and Press, Bureau of Sports, and Management Office of Zhou Enlai Visiting Centre. Representatives from the Department of Higher Education of Guizhou’s Provincial Education Bureau, Publicity Department, Youth League Committee, library, and archive were present. Some student representatives also attended the ceremony.

Linhu Caitao delivered a welcoming speech at the ceremony. She gave a brief introduction to the school’s history and development and stressed that GZU has always put the education of students’ moral character at the top of the agenda, while imparting them professional expertise. The exhibition featuring Zhou Enlai’s Family Values is based on Premier Zhou Enlai's family education and family stories. The carefully selected exhibition pictures reveal what an excellent role model Zhou Enlai was. He possessed great moral character and was not only good at governing national matters, but also managing family matters well. It is necessary for people to learn from Premier Zhou's family values. Through this example, GZU can increase efforts to improving teaching practices and learning environments on campus. In her speech, Linhu Caitao expressed the hope that students become inspired by the spirit of Premier Zhou and thus establish a sound outlook of the world. It is hoped that students will put professional knowledge into practice at this new age of advancement and devote themselves to the rejuvenation of the Chinese dream.

On behalf of Huai’an Municipal Party Committee, Zhou Yi donated 100,000 RMB in scholarships to GZU. On behalf of GZU, Linhu Caitao accepted the grant. Representatives from Huai’an donated books to GZU and its students in memory of Premier Zhou Enlai, including Remembering- the Stories about Zhou Enlai.

Wang Honghong announced the opening of Zhou Enlai Family Values Photo Exhibition.

It is reported that Zhou Enlai Family Values Photo Exhibition national tour was launched in Beijing in early January 2018. The exhibition was orchestrated by Zhou Enlai's former residence management office. In line with General Secretary Xi Jinpin’s guidance stressing family bonds, family kinship, family discipline, and family values, it specifically selected more than 80 pictures highlighting Zhou Enlai’s upbringing, family matters, and family kinship. The exhibition vividly displayed the noble character of Zhou Enlai as well as his family virtues through remarkable historical pictures. The pictures on display are authentic and express touching personal stories. They undoubtedly serve as excellent materials for people who are seeking to establish their own family rules and maintain family values.

Text: Tian Xin, Tan Hongyun (Intern), GZU News Centre

Photography: Chen Heng, GZU News Center

Chief Editor: Yin Zixi

Senior Editor: Tang Juan
