

Four Talent-Bases Approved to be Constructed at GZU
发布人:fl  发布时间:2019-01-24   浏览次数:438

The Leading Group of the Guizhou Provincial Talent Project issued a notice to officially name the 6th group of talent bases in Guizhou Province. Among the 25 total talent bases in the group, four will be built by GZU with a total fund of 3.4 million yuan. Until now, GZU has had 16 talent bases and with funds amounting to 17.6 million yuan.

The four new bases include the Guizhou Talent Base for Fermentation Engineering and Baijiu Making, Talent Base for Big Data Technology and Internet of Things Engineering, Talent Base for Ecological Grassland Livestock Farming, and Innovative Talent Base for Earth’s Critical Zone Resource and Environment Effect of Karst Areas in Southwest China.

As a critical part of the strategy of “Constructing Guizhou with Talents,” these talent bases serve as important platforms for cultivating and gathering high-level talents. Working on the principle of steady development and dynamic alteration, the naming of a base is conducted every other year, and a fund of 0.6-1.2 million yuan will be allocated to each base for construction. Dynamic management applies to the bases, which is valid for five years

Text: The Organization Department

Chief Editor: Li Mingyi  

Senior Editor: Tang Juan

Translator: Zhu Xiaofeng

Proofreading: Zoe Novak, Zhou Jie
