

GZU Starts the Spring Semester of 2021 with a Flag-Raising Ceremony
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-03-01   浏览次数:213

On March 1, 2021, GZU held a flag-raising ceremony on the west campus. It was the “first lesson” for the spring semester of 2021. The ceremony was attended by faculty, staff, and student representatives.

At 7:00 a.m., teachers and students were neatly arranged in the square, watching the flag guards solemnly raise the national flag to start the new term. All those present sang the national anthem full of energy and saluted the national flag and the motherland.

At the ceremony, a student representative majoring in Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Automation remarked on goals that should be held as a GZU student. He said GZU students must stay true to their original aspirations and strive to grow into passionate, reliable young people with a broad vision.

Luo Changjiang, deputy party secretary of GZU, also addressed the ceremony. Mr. Luo explained how GZU wishes to inspire patriotism among the students with a flag-raising ceremony at the beginning of new semesters. Continuing, he pointed out that students growing up in the new era can be inspired through their shared love for the country. He also hoped all faculty and students can remain true to the original aspirations, keep their patriotic mission firmly in mind, and use this as a step towards becoming a proud practitioner of patriotism and stalwart advocate for the country’s development.  With this love, a solid foundation of morality can be formed, socialist ideals can be developed, and the potential of everyone’s ability can be reached.


Text and Photography: Chen Siyu (Intern reporter with Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Editor: Zeng Lingjuan

Chief Editor: Zhang Chan

Senior Editor: Wen Yang

Translator: Wan Hengyue

Proofreading: Mark Bynum, Zhou Jie
