

GZU Signs Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Qianxi County
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-03-10   浏览次数:144

On March 9 at Huawu Village in Qianxi County, near Bijie City, leaders from Guizhou University and Qianxi County met and signed the Framework Agreement of Strategic Cooperation between GZU and Qianxi.The framework outlines the joint development of the county, based on the “Four Modernizations” from the 14th Five-Year Plan for the 2021-2025 period. These four areas focus on new industries, urban development, agricultural modernization, and tourism industrialization. The agreement demonstrates GZU’s dedication to following the guidelines put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping for Guizhou Province’s development, during his visit to Guizhou over the Spring Festival holiday.

The agreement was signed during the GZU leaders’ recent visit to Qianxi County, including Party Secretary Li Jianjun, Deputy Party Secretary Luo Changjiang, Vice President Yang Song, Vice President Zhang Dalin, and heads from the university’s relevant offices and colleges. The visit aimed to investigate the development of local orchards, the county’s ecological protection, and rural industry.


During the meeting held in Huawu Village’s conference room, Zhu Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and acting chief executive of Qianxi County, presented the profile of the county’s economic and social development, its plans to achieve the “Four Modernizations” targets, and how GZU’s support can benefit and foster the county’s major industries. The university’s Vice President Zhang Dalin also introduced GZU’s plan to help facilitate the high-quality development of Qianxi County.


The heads of the university’s relevant offices and colleges shared ideas and suggestions on ways to reach the “Four Modernizations” targets. They also expressed their eagerness and determination to promote cooperation and contribution for this endeavor, offering GZU’s vast array of talents and intellectual capabilities, which will greatly aid in the county’s development and meeting high-quality standards.


Vice President Yang Song and the county’s acting Chief Executive Zhu Yuxiang signed the agreement on behalf of the two sides. According to the agreement, a joint group will be formed to hold regular meetings to formulate plans covering technical assistance, training and assignment of experts, internship opportunities, as well as recruitment and employment.

GZU Party Secretary Li Jianjun delivered a speech at the meeting. He mentioned General Secretary Xi Jinping’s visit to Huawu Village during his tour of Guizhou Province and the guidelines he put forward for Guizhou's development. To fully implement these guidelines, the university signed this agreement to assist in the high-quality development of Qianxi County by giving full access to GZU’s strengths in science and technology, talents, and intellectual power. Li Jianjun stated that the cooperation between the two parties shows GZU’s dedication to actively contribute to the national strategy of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. Taking thoughtful and definitive action is necessary to reach these goals. Therefore, the university will create a team responsible for tailoring action plans based on the county’s "Four Modernizations" goals. In addition to being the think tank for the county, GZU will also take concrete actions to show solidarity and support, such as using the county’s farm products in the university’s dining halls.


During the visit, GZU leaders also had an in-depth exchange with Lu Lin, secretary of Qianxi County Party Committee, about the county’s development and maintaining high standards.

Text: Pang Aizhong (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Photo: Li Baifeng (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Editor: Wu Yijin

Chief Editor: Liang Yukun

Senior Editor: Wen Yang

Translator: Nie Xiaoxia

Proofreading: Mark Bynum, Zhou Jie
