

Guizhou University Holds Farewell Ceremony for New Military Recruits
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-03-15   浏览次数:218

On the afternoon of March 15 on West Campus, a farewell ceremony for the new military recruits was held in Xianzheng Building’s 107 Conference Room. More than 300 delegates attended the ceremony, including Colonel Wu Xin, political commissar of the Huaxi District Armed Forces Department, GZU leaders, heads of relevant offices and colleges, and the new recruits. The ceremony was presided over by Linghu Caitao, deputy secretary of the university’s Party Committee.

During the ceremony, Colonel Wu Xin read out the list of new recruits from Guizhou University.  

Huang Jianggui, a student from the College of Mathematics and Statistics, spoke on behalf of the new recruits. He said that it is a great honor and aspiration for young college students to join the country’s military. With enthusiasm, he continued, “We will surely live up to the expectations of safeguarding our motherland and its people, and whole-heartedly devote ourselves to our military service.”

Chen Lixun remarked on behalf of the parents of the recruits, who is the father of Chen Haonan, a student from College of Computer Science and Technology. He stated that joining the military to defend one’s country is a sacred and glorious duty. He hopes that the new student recruits will train hard and strive to become highly qualified soldiers for the new era, so as to live up to the trust of the Party and the people, as well as the expectations from their families and Guizhou University.

Lin Wenjie, a student from the College of Literature and Media, spoke on behalf of the students who plan to enlist. He said it is his dream to become a soldier to guard the country. That day, he admired and felt proud of the recruited students present at the ceremony. He hoped that he could join the military and realize his dream of safeguarding his country as soon as possible.

President Song Baoan, one of the leaders in charge of recruitment, honored the recruited students by awarding them the “Guizhou University Scholarship for Military Recruits.” He also awarded graduation certificates to the recruited graduates.

Party Secretary Li Jianjun delivered a speech during the ceremony. As one of the leaders responsible for military recruitment at Guizhou University, he noted that General Secretary Xi Jinping had pointed out: “Building the national defense and armed forces is crucial for national security.” Therefore, the recruitment of college students, a basic way to continuously supply talent for the army, is of great significance for the long-term stability and security of the country. This is a crucial obligation for all colleges and universities. Keeping in mind this mission and the educational philosophy of cultivating its students to love and serve their country, GZU attaches great importance to its work of military recruitment. The party secretary hoped the new recruits can completely devote themselves to their rigorous military training and grow into highly qualified soldiers for the new era, in order to valiantly shoulder the responsibility of strengthening and protecting the country. He also called on them to always remember Guizhou University’s motto: “Illustrious Virtue, Utmost Goodness, Extensive Learning, and Earnest Practice”.

Before the ceremony, forty-four recruits, as well as their parents and representatives of GZU leaders, took part in a tree-planting activity on West Campus. They used the activity to symbolize their patriotism and resolution to guard the country.

Text: Yue Ying, Fan Jiajia, He Huijing (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Photo: Feng Yuecheng (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Editor: Chen Siyu

Chief Editor: Zhang Chan

Senior Editor: Wen Yang

Translator: Nie Xiaoxia

Proofreading: Mark Bynum, Zhou Jie
