

Guizhou University Holds an Assembly as New Term’s “First Class” Special Lecture to Discuss and Understand the Essence of the Nation’s Annual Two Sessions
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-03-22   浏览次数:178

Guizhou University held an assembly on March 18, 2021, at the Xianzheng Building on West Campus, to present and analyze the importance of the annual Two Sessions held in Beijing. This assembly also served as a special lecture called “First Class,” which is part of a lecture series for the spring semester of 2021. The intrinsic spirit of the Two Sessions was explained by Song Baoan, a deputy to the National People's Congress and member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of GZU. He was joined in this endeavor by Ding Guijie, member of the CPPCC National Committee, vice chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the China Democratic League, director of the Guizhou Provincial Forest Resources and Environment Research Center, and professor of the College of Forestry at GZU. The meeting was hosted by Luo Changjiang, deputy party secretary of Guizhou University.

Song Baoan showcased the fundamental aspects of the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress by highlighting important speeches made byGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping, reports about the government’s work, and meetings attended by the Guizhou delegation. He further explained how the core spirit of the Two Sessions will be implemented throughout Guizhou University.

Song continued, suggesting that everyone at the university, faculty and students alike, should give special attention to and fully understand the importance of the Two Sessions and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech during his trip to Guizhou.

Song Baoan emphasized that Guizhou University should seize any opportunities generated through the "Double First Class" initiative, which focuses on first-class university and academic development, and accumulate any benefits that can be had from the joint development of higher education by both the national and provincial governments for all provinces; doing so will lead to a better Guizhou University. To achieve this goal, the university must take the lead by building a vast talent pool, which can be obtained by giving investment priority to scientific and technological innovation. This action will further attract extraordinarily talented professionals, retain them, and ensure every position is filled with highly qualified individuals. The university can achieve high-quality development goals by doing the following:

  • Innovation as the priority: nurturing innovative talents who love the country and can perform well with a global vision.

  • High-end talent cultivation: developing first-class faculty with a high level of talent in key industries whose innovation would contribute to academic and industrial fields, and meeting demands of the market.

  • Putting science and technology at its core: scientific and technological innovation play a key role in high-quality development.

  • Focusing on the development of faculty and staff: spare no effort to enhance the skills of faculty and staff, who could then relish their achievements and have an increased sense of belonging. Through this, they can have further impetus for the development of GZU and become more dedicated to their work and the university’s goals.

Ding Guijie also delivered remarks about the core elements of the fourth session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee and the performance of CPPCC National Committee members’ duties in Guizhou. He then shared his interpretation of key speeches made by Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Wang Yang and other leaders from the central government. Additionally, he shared a report on the work of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC and its members’ submitted proposals. Ding pointed out that this recent session showed the work efficiency of the government and integrity of its officials. It was a democratic convention for making progress and was reinforced with solidarity and pragmatism, in which all members earnestly performed their duties. They worked closely, keeping an overall picture of the party and country in mind, and deliberated over issues regarding the livelihood of the common people. A strong sense of political responsibility and historical mission was felt by everyone there. The new passionate atmosphere and dedicated work is the reflection of a new era for the CPPCC and its members.

The meeting was attended by Guizhou University leaders, leaders from various democratic parties, academic experts of numerous fields, heads of national and provincial key laboratories, university faculty, and student representatives, among others.

This assembly also included a special lecture from the “First Class” series of lectures for the spring semester of 2021. All colleges of the university allowed for other faculty and students to simultaneously watch and listen online.

Text: Ning Yumei (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Photography: Li Hui (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Editor: Fan Jiajia

Senior Editor: Wen Yang

Editor in Charge: Zhang Chan

Translator: Wan Hengyue

Proofreading: Mark Bynum, Zhou Jie
