

Guizhou University President Attends Summit about the High Quality Development of the Chinese Tea Industry
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-03-30   浏览次数:181

A summit about the high quality development of the Chinese tea industry was held in Songyang, Zhejiang on March 27, 2021, to discuss transforming and developing China’s tea industry for a new era. Song Baoan, GZU president, attended the meeting where he delivered a keynote report about the Research and Application for Green Prevention and the Control of Pests and Diseases of Tea Plants.

Song Baoan stated in the report that Guizhou University has designed some technical environmentally-friendly prevention methods and control systems based on the ecological environment and surrounding agriculture, and further supported by grass and insect control methods. Environmentally friendly approaches are used in this system, which allows for the production of eco-friendly, clean, and mass-produced tea. He mentioned support will be given in the pursuit for clean tea – a goal to sustain a sound ecological, industrial, and hygienic production of tea. This pursuit would be facilitated through the joint efforts of government departments, industry leaders, academic institutions, enterprises, and farmers. Government departments can foster ecological and poverty-alleviated industries; industry leaders can ensure the quality and safety of tea; colleges and universities can help develop control strategies for maintaining a green environment; enterprises can be responsible for the clean processing and sale of tea; and farmers can engage in clean crop management for tea plants.

This summit was co-sponsored by the China Tea Circulation Association, China International Tea Culture Research Association, China Tea Society, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Farmers' Cooperative Economic Organizations, and Lishui Municipal People's Government. Guests included people from party and government offices, social organizations, educational institutions, enterprises, news media, foreign envoys to China, tea merchants, tea farmers, and tea enthusiasts.

Text and photography: Ding Long (School Affairs Office)

Editor: Chen Siyu

Senior Editor: Wen Yang

Editor in Charge: Zhang Chan

Translator: Wan Hengyue

Proofreading: Mark Bynum, Zhou Jie
