

Academician Hou Zhengmeng from Clausthal University of Technology Visits Guizhou University
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-05-26   浏览次数:224

On the afternoon of April 13, Hou Zhengmeng, academician of Germany’s Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering Academy and professor at Clausthal University of Technology (CUT) in Germany, visited Guizhou University (GZU). The director of the Office of International Relations, Hong Yun, presided over a meeting held in Room 2020 of the Xianzheng Building on West Campus. Key personnel from the university attended the meeting, including vice president Wu Pan and coordinators from related departments and colleges. GZU President Song Bao’an met with professor Hou and exchanged souvenirs with him before the meeting.



In his remarks, Wu Pan first gave a basic introduction of the university regarding its history, discipline development, and international exchange and cooperation programs. He then credited Professor Hou for his commitment to facilitating programs between the two universities, noting that his efforts have further enhanced the interconnectivity between the two institutions. He continuously stressed to various departments and colleges that are involved should accelerate their efforts in promoting the university’s short-term foreign exchange programs such as the “2+2” collaborative program which aims to foster capable students . He also urged them to improve teacher training programs and give priority to research grants related to carbon neutrality solutions.


In terms of further exchange and cooperation programs, Professor Hou suggested that the two universities should do the following: (a) set goals based on the Excellent Overseas Young Scientists Fund, aid training programs for faculty with doctoral degrees earned overseas, and promote the 2+2 collaborative program; (b) have undergraduates, postgraduates, and doctoral students partake in various exchange activities such as summer camps; and (c) hold bilateral joint academic seminars to improve academic achievement and, particularly, to sponsor collaborative research programs designed to enhance low carbon and clean energy technologies for achieving carbon neutrality.

Chen Liqiong, director of the Teachers’ Affairs Office, and Hou Zhengmeng, sign a cooperation agreement between CUT and GZU.


Additionally, the participants discussed a number of issues related to collaboration, including degree programs, advanced studies, research projects, and faculty exchange programs.

Following this meeting, professor Hou held a lecture titled "Challenges or Opportunities?: China’s efforts in achieving carbon neutrality" at the Dezheng Building. He touched on a wide range of topics pertinent to clean energy, including strategies, technological frameworks, action plans, as well as ENSYSCO, the clean energy system based on smart multi-sector coupling technology. The lecture was hosted by Wu Fuzhong, dean of the Institute of Science and Technology.


Text: Chen Siyu (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Photography: Li Hui (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Senior Editor: Zhang Chan

Editor in Charge: Wen Yang

Translator: Li Xiaorong

Proofreading: Mark Bynum, Zhou Jie
