

“Zheng Qiang Scholarship Fund” Receives Donation from Entrepreneurs
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-03-23   浏览次数:137

On the morning of March 21, a donation ceremony for the "Zheng Qiang Scholarship Fund" was held in the lecture hall of the Xianzheng Building on West Campus. Prof. Zheng Qiang, the former GZU president and honorary director of the fund’s management committee, leaders from the Guizhou provincial government and Guizhou University, and about 300 faculty and student delegates attended the ceremony. Vice President Li Junqi presided over the ceremony.

In his speech, GZU Party Secretary Li Jianjun extended his sincere gratitude to Prof. Zheng Qiang for his great contributions to the university’s development. He stated that during his five-year tenure as GZU president, Prof. Zheng Qiang spared no efforts to improve the university’s quality and reputation. On top of this, he achieved the goal of getting Guizhou University on the list of universities in the Joint Construction of Universities program sponsored by the MinistryofEducation and relevant provinces, an initiative aiming to develop fourteen key universities in the central and western regions of the country. Li Jianjun continued to express deep appreciation for the scholarship fund and the recent donation of one million yuan from a number of entrepreneurs. He hoped that GZU students, with a heart of gratitude, should work hard and contribute to society. He stated that the university will redouble its efforts to cultivate more talented individuals by strengthening the initiative to build a first-class university with equally robust disciplines, as well as investing further into an even higher level of development. Guizhou University strives to make these notable achievements as a form of tribute to the Party on its 100th anniversary.

President Song Bao’an awards certificates to the entrepreneurs.

Prof. Zheng Qiang recalled his work at Guizhou University and expressed his joy of returning and relayed his expectations for the university’s future. He stressed that the scholarship fund and the entrepreneurs’ donation represent his and society’s hopes and confidence in GZU students. In response, the students should keep a deep affection for Guizhou, China, socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and the Party, and devote themselves to realizing the next 100-year Chinese dream after this year’s current 100th anniversary.

Chen Mingming, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Guizhou Province, on behalf of Guizhou province, extended a warm welcome to Prof. Zheng Qiang and expressed appreciation for his devotion to the development of Guizhou University. He stated that Prof. Zheng Qiang, who considers Guizhou and the university to be his second home, has always kept the development of GZU and Guizhou province in his heart even after he left Guizhou. Chen Mingming also commended the entrepreneurs for their generosity and commitment. He hoped that Guizhou University will make full use of the scholarship fund and that students will study hard and strive to take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation.

The teachers and students sing a chorus of "Teacher, I Miss You" to extend their deep gratitude to the teachers who have worked at GZU and those who have helped and supported the university.

Before the donation ceremony, the “Zheng Qiang Scholarship Fund” management committee held a meeting to review the fund’s balance report and the expenditure plan for the year of 2021. The university leaders present at the meeting included Li Jianjun, Song Bao’an, Linghu Caitao, Li Junqi, Yang Song, Chen Xiangsheng, and heads of relevant offices. Prof. Zheng Qiang expressed his appreciation for the work of the Committee and offered suggestions on the use funds: a) focus on making breakthroughs in 2021 b) expand the eligibility of the fund to bachelor, master, and doctoral students and ensure equal access c) better manage the fund to safeguard continuing development.

Prof. Zheng Qiang established the scholarship fund by generously donating 500,000 yuan, which was originally awarded to him by the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government for his great contributions to Guizhou University’s development during his tenure as the university president from 2012 to 2017. These funds were first given to him upon being granted the “Award for Special Contributions to Higher Education in Guizhou Province.” His dedication to Guizhou education and selflessness has inspired people from all walks of life to donate to the fund. As of March 2021, the scholarship fund has raised over 11.17 million yuan and has funded 48 students.

Text:Liao Yin, Chen Siyu (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Photo: Li Baifeng ( Xishan Melting Media Center)

Editor: Zhang Chan

Chief Editor: Zhang Chan

Senior Editor: Wen Yang

Translator: Nie Xiaoxia

Proofreading: Zhou Jie, Mark Bynum
