

Leaders from Guizhou University Attended the Unveiling Ceremony of the Majiang Rural Revitalization Research Institute
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-04-30   浏览次数:224

On the morning of April 29, Song Bao’an, academician and president of Guizhou University, went to Majiang County for a follow-up inspection of revitalization projects. During his visit, he commenced the unveiling ceremony for the Majiang Rural Revitalization Research Institute. The president was joined by other key leaders from the university, including those from the Office of the CPC Committee, President’s Office, Graduate School, Office of International Relations, College of Management, College of Tourism and Culture Industry, College of Architecture and Urban-Rural Planning, College of Forestry, College of Zoology, and Institute of New Rural Development.

In the village of Heba, Longshan township, a meeting on related research projects was held in the conference room used by Heba’s CPC Committee. Zhang Yuanyang, member of the Standing Committee of the Majiang County CPC Committee and minister of the Organization Department; and Wu Yan, secretary of the CPC Committee of Longshan township in Majiang County, gave a report on the endeavors undertaken by local governments. The report outlined various efforts taken to consolidate and expand on achievements in poverty alleviation and increase collaboration with similar efforts in promoting rural revitalization, accelerating agricultural modernization, and implementing further measures in rural development.

In his remarks, Song Bao’an made suggestions concerning the village of Heba in Longshan township. He pointed out that the village should make a thorough plan for future rural development in a bid to create an eco-friendly environment. Improvement should be made in industrial standardization, product branding, large-scale production, and informatization. The village bears the responsibility to promote its unique ethnic culture while boosting industrial development. Guizhou University will continue to provide the local villagers with its specialized services and work closely with regional development partners to tackle local problems. All of this effort is to ultimately meet the needs of governments, entrepreneurs, and farmers at all levels.

After the meeting, the unveiling ceremony was held for the Majiang Rural Revitalization Research Institute. Important leaders from multiple institutions attended the event, including Chen Ligen, secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing Agricultural University; Song Bao’an, academician and president of Guizhou University; Wang Zhenyi, vice chairman of the Political Consultative Conference of Qiandongnan Prefecture, and secretary of the Majiang County Party Committee. Yang Xingtao, deputy secretary of the Majiang County Party Committee, presided over the ceremony.

During the ceremony, several of the leaders delivered speeches concerning the revitalization effort. The first speaker was Wang Zhenyi, who introduced the role of the new institute and its philosophy for development. In terms of the rural revitalization strategy, both Nanjing Agricultural University and Guizhou University enjoy advantageous professional resources and great talented minds. The establishment of this institute demonstrates the commitment to building major strategic partnerships between the universities and local regions, for it is the educational institutions’ responsibility to contribute to rural revitalization efforts and support the local communities. It is hoped that such partnerships can be used as an opportunity to cultivate talented individuals in the field of rural revitalization and, together, begin a new chapter of cooperation between universities and the surrounding region.

Following Mr. Wang’s speech, Song Bao’an shared his thoughts. He remarked that the establishment of the Rural Revitalization Research Institute marks a historic step in providing practical experience for Guizhou to better implement national rural revitalization strategies. While at same time, Guizhou University has also launched the Majiang Rural Revitalization Postgraduate Workstation, which aims to serve as a new pathway for training postgraduates at the university in related fields. Song further noted that Guizhou University has been providing Majiang County various forms of assistance since 2014 to help lift it out of poverty and achieve more development goals. Additionally, the establishment of the institute means that something concrete has been accomplished based on the "2+1" strategic cooperation plan previously devised by the university and the local community. This is an important starting point and also creates a platform for further strategic cooperation. Lastly, he hoped that the newly-established institute will add new momentum to effective rural development in Majiang, and that we can use this "Majiang model" for other rural revitalization projects, contributing to the modernization of agriculture in the county as well as in other rural areas.

Likewise, Chen Ligen gave his own remarks, and he noted that the institute was established following the “2+1” university-region strategic cooperation agreement previous mentioned, which was jointly signed by Nanjing Agricultural University, Guizhou University, and Majiang County. Such collaboration aims to boost economic growth in the region. The two universities are to collaborate with the county to foster an innovative community through interdisciplinary integration, utilization of complementary strengths, and reinforcement of cooperation at multiple levels. Lastly, he stressed that the universities should strengthen their political positions, take a lead in the application of science and technology, and improve upon professional development, with the purpose of helping Majiang County in its revitalization efforts. (note: it seems like this paragraph describes the underneath person. As it is quite long, it is not seen as caption)

Chen Ligen, Song Bao’an, Wang Zhenyi, and Yang Xingtao jointly inaugurate Majiang Rural Revitalization Research Institute.

Chen Ligen, Song Bao’an, and Wang Zhenyi present the appointment letter to the executive dean of the Majiang Rural Revitalization Research Institute.

During the trip, Song Bao’an and the team also visit the Longquanzhang Museum and the Ecological Healthy Food Processing Incubation Park in Heba Village, Longshan township, Majiang county.

Text: You Xiao & Chen Siyu (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Editor: Ning Yumei

Chief Editor: Zhang Chan

Senior Editor: Wen Yang

Translator: Li Xiaorong

Proofreading: Mark Bynum, Zhou Jie
