

Annual Conference of Regional Comprehensive University Presses Held at Guizhou University
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-05-24   浏览次数:234

On May 22, the Annual Conference of Regional Comprehensive University Presses and the Symposium on the Development of High-quality Publishing was held at Guizhou University’s Academy of Chinese Culture on East Campus. The leaders and delegates present at the conference included: Zong Junfeng, president of China University Press Association and president of Tsinghua University Press; Li Jianjun, party secretary of GZU; Chen Xiangsheng, vice president of GZU; Gu Yongmei, director of the Provincial Party Committee Publicity Department; and other colleagues from local comprehensive university presses. Min Jun, president of Guizhou University Press, presided over the opening ceremony.

The university’s Party Secretary Li Jianjun introduced the development and achievements of Guizhou University Press in his opening speech. He stated that GZU Press is the only university press of Guizhou and has been serving as an important platform for developing education and academic research, and for transmitting knowledge and culture. In recent years, it has published a number of books that have influenced and provided expertise in the fields of humanities and social sciences, academic research, education and teaching, culture and art, and ethnic cultures. Included among these books is the Guizhou Anthropology Series from an International Perspective and the Collection of Contemporary Academic Works concerning Modern Guizhou. The two series and many other books were also included in the national “Twelfth Five-Year” and “Thirteen Five-year” publishing programs, and some have received financial support from the National Publishing Fund, Minority Language and Writing Publishing Project, and Guizhou Publishing Fund. The books are well received by readers and have a great influence in the publishing and academic circles. Li Jianjun stressed that the university will use this annual conference as a good opportunity to further enhance the competitiveness, innovation, and services of GZU Press. It will increase the quality of published books and further diversify the publishing formats and mediums, which, in turn, will strengthen the university, the province, and its cultural recognition. A strong and self-confident culture creates a solid foundation for Guizhou’s growth.

In her speech, Gu Yongmei pointed out that university presses shoulder the important responsibility of passing on civilization, recording history, supporting education, and serving society. Guizhou University Press has achieved a lot in its publishing of books and other publishing projects, and its successes have helped GZU Press earn great social influence due to its never-ending goal to publish high-quality works and promote cultural prosperity. She hoped the presses can make greater strides in the pursuit of promoting cultural growth, achieving new heights in publishing, and forging new masterpieces that can stand the test of time. This conference should be used as a new starting point to promote the production of high-quality works and development of the book publishing industry.

According to Zong Junfeng, the president of China University Press, the epidemic has caused a lot of pressure on the development of various publishing houses. He called on all publishers to take the conference as an opportunity to share experiences, collect ideas, and learn from each other, so as to encourage the better and faster development of university presses in China.

At the symposium on the development of high-quality publishing, Wu Peihua, editor-in-chief of Tsinghua University Press, pointed out that regional university publishing houses should utilize their educational advantages and cultural characteristics to ensure sustainable long-term development. President of Jinan University Press, Xu Yixiong, believes that each university publishing house will achieve success if their unique characteristics are maintained as they expand further in the publisher market. Throughout the course of the conference, the delegates had opportunities to exchange their experiences in the development of their respective publishing houses.

The conference was hosted by the Regional Comprehensive University Publishing Committee of the China University Press Association and organized by Guizhou University Press, with the goal to aggregate ideas for the further development of publishing houses. It offered a platform for the heads of university presses from across the country to share ideas and learn from each other.

Text: Pang Aizhong (Xishan Integrated Media Center)  

         Tian Chenkun (Guizhou University Newspaper)

Photo: Li Baifeng (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Editor: Li Hui

Chief Editor: Zhang Chan  

Senior Editor: Wen Yang

Translator: Nie Xiaoxia

Proofreading: Mark Bynum, Zhou Jie
