

Guizhou University Adds 5 Core Experts and 22 Provincial Experts
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-05-17   浏览次数:71

Recently, a list containing the fifth batch of core experts and the ninth batch of provincial experts of Guizhou Province was released. From this list, five core experts and twenty-two provincial experts have joined up with Guizhou University, accounting for 25% and 23% of the total listed experts, respectively. These figures show Guizhou University now holds the highest number of core experts and provincial experts in Guizhou Province.

Guizhou University values the assemblage of these various talents. To achieve its development goals, Guizhou University eagerly grasps for any major development opportunities provided through the joint construction of universities administered by the Ministry of Education and provincial governments. These opportunities, along with the "Double First-Class" University Initiative, will doubtless reinforce the strategy to develop the province and the university with talented individuals. Moreover, it practically promotes the rapid buildup of the university's talents in this new era. With the creation of a friendly education environment, Guizhou University will hold a pivotal role in the high-level talent development in Guizhou. All the core experts and provincial experts at Guizhou University are outstanding representatives from various disciplines and fields. They have made important contributions to the comprehensive reform of the university, the acceleration of the construction of a " Double First-Class" university, and the overall progress of Guizhou's economy and society.

The selection of core experts and provincial experts was approved by the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government after candidate application, university review and recommendation, review by the Provincial Talent Office, expert review, third-party evaluation, and voting by the selection committee.

Text: Organization Department of the Party Committee of Guizhou University

Editor: Fan Jiajia

Senior Editor: Wen Yang

Editor in Charge: Zhang Chan

Translator: Wan Hengyue

Proofreading: Mark Bynum, Zhou Jie
