

Leaders from Guizhou University Visit Alumni in Chongqing
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-06-04   浏览次数:226

On the afternoon of June 1, a team led by Linghu Caitao, deputy secretary of the CPC Committee of Guizhou University, paid a visit to the university’s alumni in Chongqing. This visit coincided with an alumni symposium that was held there.

At the meeting, Li Ye, vice president of the Guizhou University Alumni Association and dean of the College of Management, introduced the university’s current development progress, overall plan, and goals for projects focused on improving talent management, scientific research, societal services, and cultural heritage.

Liu Jiaxiu—former chairman of the Chongqing Alumni Association, former director of the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Machinery and Equipment, and secretary of the CPC Leadership Group—gave a report on the local association’s history and current growth. He asked for all alumni to continue doing their part for the association and serve as a bridge connecting alumni with their alma mater.

At the meeting, alumni spoke enthusiastically about their experiences, gave various suggestions, and shared their visions for the future. Pan Shaoyun remarked that Chongqing alumni have yet to fail their alma mater and the people of Guizhou. Over the years, they have been most dedicated to their jobs and continued contribution to the social and economic development in the region. The young alumni that were present noted that it is necessary to aggregate resources in order to enhance the career prospects for the alumni in Chongqing. They plan to whole-heartedly continue to carry the torch given by the older alumni and make every effort to strengthen the alumni association in Chongqing.

To the alumni, Linghu Caitao conveyed the cordial greetings from the university’s CPC Secretary Li Jianjun, as well as the academician and president Song Bao’an. She spoke highly of the association’s work, commended the alumni, and pointed out that they are indeed the most amazing business cards of their alma mater. She hoped that the Chongqing Alumni Association will continue its efforts to serve in the best interests of all alumni, bring together other alumni, and serve as a platform for exchanging and sharing ideas. On a further note, she stressed that the university attaches great importance to a person’s moral character and is therefore committed to cultivating innovatory and talented individuals of high quality. Given this, Chongqing alumni are expected to become a platform for further communication between all alumni by strengthening interdisciplinary, inter-provincial, and inter-alumni collaboration. It is hoped that all alumni are able to obtain high levels of support through mutual coordination and cooperation for common developmental interests. Lastly, she extended an invitation to all the alumni, asking them to attend the 120th anniversary celebration of their alma mater, and above all, share their achievements and insights so that others may grow wiser from them.

Before the symposium, Linghu Caitao and her team visited the Dragon Bird Group, which is operated by the alumni from Chongqing. On the morning of June 2, they visited the mine-sweeping hero Du Fuguo at the Southwest Hospital, which is affiliated with the Army Military Medical University. They expressed to him the care and support from the university, and offered their best wishes and hope for his speedy recovery. Furthermore, they ensured him that he would be able to return back to school and spend time with his fellow classmates once he physically recovers.   

Relevant leaders from the university joined the team during the trip. Among them were key personnel from Offices of Guizhou University, Postgraduate Affairs of the CPC Committee, Student Affairs, and International Cooperation. Other attendees were from the Colleges of Foreign Languages, Management, and Continuing Education.  

Text/photo: Office of International Cooperation

Editor: Ning Yumei

Chief Editor: Zhang Chan

Senior Editor: Wen Yang

Translator: Li Xiaorong

Proofreading: Mark Bynum, Zhoujie
