

Guizhou University Successfully Holds the Opening Ceremony for 2021 International and Regional Studies Symposium for Higher-Education Teachers of Less-commonly Taught Languages in Guizhou
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-08-21   浏览次数:321

On the morning of August 2, the opening ceremony of the 2021 International and Regional Studies Symposium for Higher-Education Teachers of Less-commonly Taught Languages in Guizhou was successfully held via video conference. Key leaders attended the event including Wang Hui, member of the CPC Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Education Department, chairman of the Provincial Education Council, deputy secretary-general of the Organizing Committee of the China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week; Luo Lin, director of the International and Regional Research Secretariat of the Ministry of Education, vice chairman of the Foreign Directive Committee and Arabic Subcommittee, professor of Beijing Language and Culture University, and doctoral supervisor; Jiang Jingkui, vice chairman of the Advisory Committee of Foreign Language of Ministry of Education, chairman of the Less-commonly Taught Languages Subcommittee, professor of Peking University, and doctoral supervisor; Zhong Zhixiang, member of the Discipline-Appraisal Committee for Foreign Languages under the State Council Academic Degree Committee, deputy director of the Less-commonly Taught Languages Subcommittee, professor of Information Engineering University, and doctoral supervisor; and Chen Wenyi, deputy director of the Secretariat Office of the China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week Organizing Committee. The event was held in the Wisdom Classroom 221 on the West Campus. Leaders from Guizhou University attended the ceremony including Zhang Dalin, vice president, and key coordinators from Office of International Relations as well as College of Foreign Languages. Long Wen, secretary of the CPC Committee of the College of Foreign Languages presided over the ceremony.

The 2021 symposium, with the theme of international and regional studies, was sponsored by the Guizhou Provincial Department of Education, co-organized by the National Advisory Committee on Less-Commonly Taught languages in Higher Education under the Ministry of Education and the Chinese Association of Less-Commonly Taught languages, and undertaken by the College of Foreign Languages of Guizhou University. The online seminar would last 5 days from 2 to 6 August, covering ten lectures and Q&A sessions.

In his speech, Zhang Dalin firstly thanked the present leaders, experts, and teachers for their care and concern for Guizhou University. He noted that the university attaches great importance to international and regional studies related to the matters of less-commonly taught ASEAN languages. The two current international and regional research centers under the Ministry of Education, based on the objectives of the Belt and Road Initiative, will be established as academic platforms and think tanks for international and regional studies. Given the fact that Guizhou University was accredited to offer Burmese as undergraduate program in 2020, there is no doubt that the university will be empowered to provide professionals for the projects in connection with the Belt and Road Initiative. In addition to promoting research on international and regional issues, the symposium is expected to tremendously boost the development of disciplines and programs related to less-commonly taught languages not only at Guizhou University but also other colleges and universities across Guizhou.

In another keynote speech, Luo Lin stressed the significance of this symposium and touched on certain urgent issues to be solved concerning international and regional studies. He hoped that all participants will benefit from this event so that they could contribute to establishing an institutional system for international and regional studies in colleges and universities across China. Additionally, he hoped that they will gain experience in a wide range of areas such as establishing research centers, creating talent pools, developing disciplines, and building a training system for talented minds.   

Likewise, the next speaker Jiang Jingkui stated the significance of matters related to non-commonly taught languages in Guizhou. He hoped that teachers of non-commonly taught languages will be able to enhance their capability in conducting international and regional studies following this symposium. Moreover, he suggested that they should focus on what’s needed for the new liberal arts at the new era of China and foster talented minds that have both a global perspective and a profound love for China.  

Lastly, Wang Hui spoke highly of this large-scale seminar that attracted a great number of top scholars. She believed that these experts would certainly strengthen the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative and shed new light on matters related to less commonly taught languages across Guizhou. Furthermore, she asked everyone to take advantage of this precious learning opportunity, stay fully concentrated and abide by all the regulations.  

The ceremony ended with a "cloud group photo"joined by all the guest speakers and participants.  

TextLai Shunqi (College of Foreign Languages)

Photo: Fan Jiajia (Xishan Integrated Media)

Editor: Wu Yijin

Chief Editor: Zhang Chan  

Senior Editor: Zhang Yajun

Translator: Li Xiaorong
