

The Donation Ceremony of "Jinyouxin Scholarship" Held at Guizhou University
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-09-19   浏览次数:255

On September 6, Guizhou University held a donation ceremony of the "Jinyouxin Scholarship" in Meeting Room 202 of Xianzheng Building. Vice president Chen Xiangsheng, general manager Wang Zhonghui of Jinyouxin Architecture Labor Service Co., Ltd., and directors of relevant departments from both sides, attended the event. Other attendees from the university were coordinators from the University Office, Student Financial Aid Management Center, and International Cooperation Office, representatives of previous beneficiaries of the "Jinyouxin Scholarship" from the university. Liu Ying, director of the Office of International Cooperation and secretary-general of Guizhou University Education Development Foundation, presided over the ceremony.

Chen Yi, deputy director of the Student Financial Aid Management Center, briefed on the use of the scholarship in terms of money distribution and aided student's management before giving some suggestions about the fund.

The aided student representative Wang Dongbo spoke highly of the national funding policy. With the help of caring people in society, they could pursue dreams on campus. On top of that, they have devoted themselves to their academic pursuit while seeking to enrich and improve themselves. They will try their best to live up to the expectations of all caring people and contribute to society.

On the signing session, Wang Zhonghui and Chen Xiangsheng sign for the donation agreement. In the meantime, Chen presents the donation certificate to Wang.

In Wang Zhonghui’s speech, he explained why he has been so devoted to social welfare undertakings, using three keywords: passion, gratitude, and faith. He encouraged all students from Guizhou University to bring out their best and be the backbones for progress and advancement in China. Ultimately, they are the ones to pay back to the country and society.

Chen Xiangsheng firstly expressed his gratitude to the Jinyouxin company for raising as much as one million yuan for Guizhou University. He then noted that the company demonstrated its care and support for education and respect for all faculty members through this kind of activity. It also helped strengthen the bond between the company and the people of Guizhou and everyone from Guizhou University. He stressed that this kind deed could spur more and more enterprises and communities to care more about the progress of Guizhou University as well as the advancement of higher education in the western region of China. Additionally, he reassured that Guizhou University would put in good use the donations while carefully managing the funds raised by individuals or charities. Those students with outstanding performances but from low-income families are definitely on top of the list receiving a scholarship. With the funds, students in need can get through financial difficulties and better concentrate on their studies. These efforts are in line with the aim of training high-level talents in Guizhou. Besides providing students with financial support, the university will also focus on helping them shape their moral values such as gratefulness, hard work, diligence, and thriftiness. With the support, they will embrace their ambitions, mold excellent virtues, and become talented minds. Ultimately, with the professional knowledge and skills acquired, they will take on responsibilities and benefit society.

Text: Lian Yukun (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Photo: You Xiao (Xishan Integrated Media Center), Xu Jiale (Intern)

Editor: Li Hui

Chief Editor: Zhang Chan

Senior Editor: Zhang Yajun

Translator: Li Xiaorong
