

Guizhou University Holds the Fifth Thought Forum for Youth of Colleges and Universities
发布人:fl  发布时间:2021-05-17   浏览次数:191

On May 9, the fifth Guizhou University Youth Thought Forum titled “a Century's Education with the Focus on Morals and Virtues, a Decade's Gratitude and Endeavors” was held in Xianzheng Building on the west campus. The timing marks the 10th anniversary of President Xi Jinping’s inspection of Guizhou University. Present at the forum were Qi Si, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Education; Ding Yi, deputy secretary of the CPC Youth League; Li Jianjun, Linghu Caitao, Yang Song, and Zhang Dali, top leaders from Guizhou University; Li Xinchang, member of the CPC committee and minister of the Organization Department of the university; and Zhuo Yong, member of the CPC committee and minister of United Front Work Department of the university. Student representatives and CPC members from relevant departments of the university were also present. In the meantime, student representatives from some 100 colleges and universities attended the event virtually via Cloud Forum.

Li Jianjun, secretary of the university’s CPC Committee, delivered a speech welcoming everyone to the century-old Guizhou University. He stressed the purpose of the activity,  that is, to grasp the core message conveyed by General Secretary Xi Jinping when he visited Guizhou University. He hoped that the message could inspire local young people to pursue knowledge and act as trailblazers in the long run. Moreover, these young people can ultimately be motivated during their growth and achieve success. Li stressed that Guizhou University has always taken seriously the speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his visit to Guizhou University, as it provided inspiring messages. With the guidance, the university has never stopped seeking academic excellence and comprehensive understanding, nor has it stopped taking action. In the past ten years, Guizhou University has consecutively established several service communities, including "Research Clubs," "Learning Clubs," "Qingma Clubs," "Postgraduate Publicity Groups," and "Doctor Village Chiefs."  Each year, they would provide various activities such as organizing meetings sharing reading experiences,  running lectures sharing expertise and theoretical knowledge,  and offering volunteering services.  All these efforts are intended to act upon the spirit of President Xi's message and voluntarily nurture a virtuous mindset.  He made the following suggestions to the students: (a) have a thorough understanding of the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his visit to Guizhou University; (b) act upon the instruction given by Chen Yiqin, Secretary of the Provincial CPC Party Committee; (c) dare to dream big and realize ambitions; (d) keep pursuing both academic and virtuous excellence to become a talented mind; (e)  stay honest, down-to-earth, and keen on applying the knowledge and skills learned to a specific area; (f) be innovative and achieve the unity of knowledge and action; (g) stay united around the CPC leadership; (h) understand the meaning of sharing the same destiny with the nation; and (i) strive forward with their country and progress with time. All in all, young students shouldl be fully committed to fostering mental and physical strengths for their country

Qi Si made a speech based on his experience and understanding of contemporary youth, noting that a young person in the new era must foster moral values and inspiring aspirations and always associate their growth with the need of the nation, times, and mankind. As the backbones of manpower, they must make firm decisions to serve people and contribute to society's advancement. At the same time, they must foster moral integrity and virtues while making every effort to learn through practice. In addition, they should understand the culture, enhance self-awareness, and develop self-discipline while upholding valuable virtues and wisdom. In this way, they will become determined, ambitious, and confident youth.

After the video about the theme played to the audience for the opening ceremony, graduate students presented several activities such as reciting poems and making keynote speeches. Graduate representatives from Guizhou University, Zhejiang University, University of Macau, and the City University of Hong Kong gave keynote speeches on the messages of General Secretary Xi during his visit to Guizhou University. They shared the following aspects: remembering the missions, fostering a grateful heart, building a supportive network of friends, seeking common development, and taking shared responsibilities.

After the opening activities, Ding Yi gave a lecture on how students can shape ambitions and virtues. After introducing several aspects such as how to shape one's talented mind, assume fundamental responsibilities, and realize all-around development, he earnestly encouraged young people to look for support in the course of their pursuit of a bright future. Furthermore, he stressed the core message of the speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping. He then called for contemporary young people to stick to their ideals and beliefs, keep in mind their original aspirations, and seek excellence, believing that they will overtake their previous generation.

 The forum also included a session about sharing reading experiences. Representatives of graduate students from Guizhou University, Nanchang University, Northwest A&F University, Hainan University, and other colleges and universities exchanged their thoughts on how young people nowadays can keep their aspirations, remember their missions, and follow the CPC leadership resolutely. Moreover, they shared their understanding and reflected on Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

The organizer of the forum received 766 essays on the above-mentioned subject matters from more than 140 colleges and universities. Among them, 61 were recognized as excellent papers.

Text: Pang Aizhong & You Xiao (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Photo: Li Hui (Xishan Integrated Media Center)

Editor: Zeng Lingjuan

Chief Editor: Zhang Chan

Senior Editor: Wen Yang

Translator: Li Xiaorong
