

GZU Visiting Professor Anders Riisager Wins Chinese Government Friendship Award
发布人:fl  发布时间:2022-10-01   浏览次数:10

On September 30, the award ceremony of 2022 Chinese Government Friendship Award was held in Beijing. Anders Riisager, a visiting professor at the Fine Chemical R&D Center of Guizhou University won the award. This year, 49 foreign experts from 21 countries received the honor.

Prof. Anders Riisager is currently the Director of the Center for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark and a visiting professor and doctoral supervisor at Guizhou University. He has won many awards including Sapere Aude Starting Grant by Danish Council for Independent Research, Reinholdt W. Jorck and Hustrus Fond Research Prize,Berzelius Prize 2016 by the Nordic Catalysis Society and the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of Guizhou Province.

Prof. Anders Riisager has cooperated with Guizhou University for a long time and has achieved fruitful results in the research of major scientific and technological problems in the field of comprehensive utilization of biological resources with characteristics of Southwest China. He has published 22 SCI papers in internationally renowned journals, with a total of 533 citations, including one highly cited paper.He has also contributed a lot to GZU’s talent training, team building, discipline development, and academic exchanges. Up to now, he has cooperated with Guizhou University to guide four doctoral graduates and cultivate one student who earned the title of National Young Talent.

The Chinese Government Friendship Award is the highest award to recognize foreign experts who have made outstanding contributions to China's modernization drive and reform and opening up. It was officially established in 1991 by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs authorized by the State Council.

EditorZhang Chan

Chief Editor:  Pang Aizhong

Senior Editor: Li Qiurong & Zhang Yajun

Translator: Nie Xiaoxia
