

The Second Education Sponsorship Activities Contest held at GZU
发布人:fl  发布时间:2022-11-04   浏览次数:10

On the afternoon of November 3rd, the Second Education Sponsorship Activities Contest was held in the Yawen Building, West Campus.

Vice President Chen Xiangsheng and the leaders from relative departments responsible for student affairs and sponsorship attended the event.  

Yu Song, deputy director of the Student Affairs Department CPC committee delivered an opening remark. She said that this eight-month event attracted many students to participate and yielded wide influence. With socialist core values as its theme, it was of great significance for cultivating students’ moral values. This event also played a role in strengthening the educational function of sponsorship and further improve the sponsorship mechanism. In the future, GZU would still made greater effort to promote its education sponsorship, hold better activities and then cultivate more talents.

After the host Yang Yuehua introduced the scoring rules, 18 college contesters presented their activities. After this, Zhao Xianglun, director of the Student Sponsorship Management Center, declared the contest result and presided over the award ceremony.

The result was as followed:

The First Prize

Yangming College

The Second Prize

College of History and Ethnic Culture

College of Civil Engineering

College of Forestry

The Third Prize

College of Electrical Engineering

College of Pharmacy

College of Mining,

College of Mechanical Engineering

College of Life Sciences

Editor: Gao Xiujuan

Chief Editor: Zhang Yajun

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Nie Xiaoxia
