

GZU Professor Honored with Science and Technology Award
发布人:fl  发布时间:2022-11-13   浏览次数:10

On November 12, GZU professor Hao Gefei, together with 99 outstanding young scientific and technological researchers was honored with the 17th China Youth Science and Technology Award at the World Young Scientists Summit 2022 held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. Hao is the second professor to receive this award protection in the Guizhou Province, after Professor Yang Song did seven years ago in 2015.

Jointly established and organized by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of CPC, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and China Association for Science and Technology, China Youth Science and Technology Award is bestowed to outstanding young scientific and technological talents who have made outstanding achievements in national economic development, social progress, and scientific and technological innovation. The award is conferred every other year to 100 young scientists at most. Approximately 1,500 scientists have been honored with this award since its inception in 1987.

Hao, the 40-year-old doctoral supervisor and professor at the Key Laboratory of Green Pesticides and Agricultural Bioengineering of GZU, funded by the Ministry of Education, has been devoted to pesticide research for years. “Highly effective and low-risk green pesticides have become an inevitable choice for green agricultural development, but it is extremely challenging to create a new green pesticide variety.” He said.

Focusing on the interaction between targets and active molecules, Hao and his team has been devoted to developing pesticide bioinformatics methods and applying them to pesticide innovation, and achieved a series of research results renowned worldwide. They have established a systematic pesticide informatics platform, which has promoted the creation of new pesticides and the discovery of active pesticide molecules, and thus shortened the research and development cycle and improved the efficiency of China’s pesticide innovation. The platform has attracted wide attention from home and abroad, with some 6,000 users from over 100 countries presently.

Hao presided over more than 10 scientific research projects, published more than 100 SCI papers, and received over 10 authorized patents and software copyrights. In 2021, he won a National Excellent Young Scientists Fund Project, a breakthrough in its sort in Guizhou Province.

When asked about his feelings toward the award, Hao expressed his gratitude to GZU, the Party and the country for the education and supports he received. He said that he will continue to be devoted to scientific research and contribute to China’s scientific and technological development.

Editor: Pang Aizhong

Chief Editor: Zhang Yajun

Senior Editor: Yang Nan & Gao Xiujuan

Translator: Xiao Qi
