

Guizhou University Marks its 120th Anniversary
发布人:fl  发布时间:2022-11-18   浏览次数:10

On August 18, Guizhou University (GZU) held a ceremonial event in Guiyang to mark its 120th anniversary. Shen Yiqin, secretary of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and chairperson of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Guizhou Province, sent a congratulatory letter. Li Bingjun, deputy secretary of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and governor of Guizhou, gave a keynote speech. Sun Yao, vice minister of Education, delivered a speech via video link. Provincial officials including Lu Yongzheng, Li Feiyue, and Chen Jian attended the conference. Attendees also included senior officials and scholars such as Long Chaoyun, Xu Zhengwei, Chen Mingming, Xiang Xiaoqing, Chen Haifeng, and Zuo Dingchao, and Ma Kejian, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Other participants were municipal officials, key leaders and personnel on behalf of students, alumnus, faculty and staff from the University, and representatives from other local universities and affiliated enterprises in Guizhou.

A ceremony is held to celebrate Guizhou University’s 120th anniversary in Guiyang.


In her congratulatory letter, Shen Yiqin, on behalf of the Provincial CPC Committee, extended warm greetings to all faculty, staff, students, and alumni at home and abroad. She noted that GZU boasts a long history and serves as a flagship university in Guizhou. Over the past 120 years, GZU has upheld its motto:  “Illustrious Virtue, Utmost Goodness, Extensive Learning, and Earnest Practice.” To meet the needs of our country in the new era, the University has made innovative breakthroughs, which have benefited local regions and Guizhou as a whole. Over the years, GZU has grown into a top university with its distinctive strengths. In the meantime, it was included as one of the key national “211 Project” universities and then the national “Double First-Class” Initiative. Additionally, the University has made great efforts to promote social development and economic growth in Guizhou. Bearing in mind the principle that education is essential to the country and the Party, GZU has always put education on top of its agenda in the face of this critical period of time when talented minds are needed more incrementally than ever before. On this occasion of celebrating its 120th anniversary for the founding of the University, Shen urged GZU to do the following:stick to the guidelines based on President Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, understand the guidelines of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, fully implement the Party’s educational policy,uphold the socialist direction of education, carry out the basic task of fostering virtue through education, carry out the basic task of fostering virtue through education, bear in mind the country's most fundamental interests, serve the best interest of the people of Guizhou, foster virtue first and foremost through Education, and cultivate excellent professionals. Above all, the University is expected to keep up with the effort to make itself a world-class one popular both at home and abroad. Shen hoped that it could play a bigger role in promoting modernization across Guizhou,building a modern socialist country in all respects, and advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts.  

Li Bingjun, deputy secretary of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and governor of Guizhou, gave a keynote speech.


Li Bingjun noted that GZU has served the people wholeheartedly at all times and under all circumstances and progressed with time over 120 years. With our country’s best interests in mind, the University has focused its efforts on the development of Guizhou and therefore introduced a great number of featured disciplines and fostered numerous talented minds. All these have made it possible for us to win the battle against poverty in a timely fashion across Guizhou and thus promote social and economic progress. Following the 20th National Congress of the CPC, the importance of education, technology, and talent has grown even more prominent. The Provincial CPC Committee and Government are determined to implement fully the strategy that highlights elevated education, targeted technology, and talented minds in the new era in a bid to boost the growth of the province. To be sure, with overall level of the education upgraded, Guizhou will achieve high-quality development and modernization. Given the fact that GZU is at a new starting point, Li stressed the University should implement the guideline of the 20th CPC National Congress and follow President Xi’s theories about the development of higher education. At the same time, he called everyone concerned to do the following: (a) stay politically correct, fully implement the Party’s education policy, and foster talents for the Party and our country; (b) shoulder the responsibilities and play an active part in implementing the strategies for high-quality development and modernization; (c) make scientific breakthroughs, generate innovative outcomes, and become self-reliant in science and technology,and (d) enhance the University’s administrative capacity to further promote the "Double First-Class" Initiative. Lastly, he suggested to the faculty that they should carry forward the spirit of science, inherit excellent culture, and cultivate more talents for the new era and the national rejuvenation. Likewise, the students should devote all their energies to building a strong modern socialist country as long as they harbor great aspiration, practice virtue, become excellent, and shoulder responsibilities. To this end, the Provincial CPC Committee and Government will continue to show care and support for GZU and bring opportunities for the University to meet the standards required of the "Double First-Class" educational institution.

In his speech, Zhao Yao spoke highly of GZU for its active involvement in boosting local development. He hoped that GZU would make greater contributions to building a strong educational system and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation by upholding the Party's leadership at every level, fully implement the fundamental task of fostering virtue and people, meet the needs in strategic implementations, stay engaged in the overall economic and social development in Guizhou, and take a leading role in revitalizing higher education in the central and western regions.  

Ren Shaobo, secretary of the CPC Committee of Zhejiang University, and Choltis Dhirathiti, Executive Secretary-General of ASEAN University Alliance, also gave speeches through video links. During the celebration, Song Bao’an, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Guizhou University, briefed the participants on the development of the University. Other speakers were Hao Xiaojiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a few of faculty and student representatives.

Li Bingjun visits the Science and Technology Park of Guizhou University before the ceremonial event.


Before the ceremonial event, Li Bingjun visited the Guizhou University Science and Technology Park, where he was briefed on the park’s progress blueprint, innovative breakthroughs, and university-industry cooperation. Afterwards, he joined a meeting where he met with prominent scholars and senior professors, including Ma Kejian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Joining the event also included key leaders from municipal governmental sectors and representatives of faculty, students, alumni, and enterprises affiliated to GZU.

Editor: Zhang Chan

Chief Editor: Zhang Yajun

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Li Xiaorong
