

Sixth Student Congress Held at GZU
发布人:fl  发布时间:2022-11-26   浏览次数:10

On November 25, the Sixth Student Congress of Guizhou University was held in Xishan Theatre. Linghu Caitao, deputy secretary of Guizhou University’s Party Committee, Liu Yan, director of the school department of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, officials from departments of Guizhou University and 342 student representatives attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Song Hongqing, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee and secretary general of the Student Union of Guizhou University.

On behalf of the Party Committee of the university, Linghu Caitao extended congratulations on the opening of the meeting and praised efforts and achievements made by the Student Union in the past year.

On behalf of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League and Guizhou Student Federation, Liu Yan expressed her hope that the Student Union would remain committed to its fundamental purpose of serving the students, and do more for the students.

In his speech, Liu Kui, secretary of the University’s Youth League Committee stressed that the meeting is a major event in the political life of the university's youth. The Student Union should give full play to its functions of uniting students, and strengthening the organizational construction of the Student Union.

Li Yongjia, on behalf of the fifth Guizhou University Student Union, made a work report. She reviewed the achievements in the areas of ideological leadership, team building, service of rights and interests, academic integrity, campus culture, etc. made by the Union in the past year.

Based on the principle of "fairness, justice and openness", the 6th Committee and the 6th Presidium of Guizhou University Student Union were elected in the form of secret ballot.

Editor: Zhang Chan

Chief Editor: Zhang Yajun

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Wang Xiaomin
