

World AIDS Day 2022: Educational Activities Held to Raise Awareness at GZU
发布人:fl  发布时间:2022-12-02   浏览次数:10

On December 1, a lecture marking World AIDS Day 2022, together with some educational activities, was held in the Xishan Theater and the Yawen Square at GZU, aiming to raise students’ awareness about HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care. Attending the lecture were Linghu Caitao, deputy secretary of the CPC GZU Committee; heads of Student Affairs Office and Postgraduate Affairs of the CPC Committee; directors from Labor Union, Communist Youth League, and infirmary; and some teacher and student representatives.

Liao Yujuan, faculty of the College of Public Administration, gave a lecture titled “Fight AIDS Together, Get Healthier Together, Increase HIV Awareness.” Using video footages, she presented introductions explaining how AIDS is transmitted, progressed, and how it affects the human body. In the meantime, she raised questions and also offered explanations. Additionally, she elaborated on how students can prevent, get tested for, contain, and treat this kind of disease in a most appropriate way.

Following the lecture, the audience watched a video clip calling on the youth to prevent HIV infections with joint efforts, presented by Guizhou Health Committee and Guizhou Provincial Communist Youth League Committee. Afterwards, Jiang Ruoqi, a postgraduate student and a member of the 25th Postgraduates Voluntary Teaching Corps made a speech, through which she called on the youth peers to shoulder the responsibility of preventing HIV infections and brought forth some suggestions: learn more about the disease and take actions to prevent it; behave in a reasonable and fair manner towards people with AIDS and try the hardest to overcome prejudices; and show support for AIDS patients and engage in providing preventive services.

Deputy secretary Linhu announced a manifesto on AIDS preventions. Starting with the status of AIDS progression, the announcement advocated three aspects: (a) recognize the harm of AIDS and live a healthy life; (b) engage in AIDS preventive education and increase prevention effectiveness; and (c) provide care and show concern for the AIDS patients and build a harmonious community together. These can serve as the guidelines for the work on AIDS prevention and education at GZU.

At the end of the event, all the participants took a group photo in front of a signing wall at the Yawen Square, where they also visited an exhibition, themed on AIDS prevention, displaying handwritten newsletters, pictures and cartoons. At the same time, volunteers handed out pamphlets on the prevention of HIV to students and also provided relevant information about the disease’s prevention to those who approached the AIDS stall for materials.  

December 1st of 2022 marks the 35th World AIDS Day. In line with the theme of the UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV), China’s slogan for HIV prevention for this year is: Fight AIDS Together, Get Healthier Together. Such a theme underscores the importance of our collective efforts to tackle the risks and challenges posed by HIV infections. After all, it is a collective responsibility to improve our health and it takes a global community to promote our wellness.

Editor: Zhang Chan

Chief Editor: Zhang Yajun

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Zhang Zhen
