

The Material Science Discipline of GZU Added into the Global ESI Discipline Top 1%
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-01-13   浏览次数:10

On January 12, Clarivate announced ESI Statistics from January 1 2012 to October 31, 2022. According to the latest data, the material science discipline of GZU is newly added into Top 1% of the Global ESI disciplines. Up till now, the basket of the six disciplines in GZU including material science, environment and ecology, agricultural science, chemistry, plant and animal science and engineering have entered the Top 1% of the global ESI disciplines.

According to the statistics, the number of Top 1% disciplines increased by 589 globally, and there were altogether 2054 Top 1% disciplines in universities in Mainland China (54 newly added), among which 243 were Top 1 ‰ disciplines (5 newly added). Other institutions own 772 disciplines in the Top 1% (69 newly added), including 54 disciplines in the Top 1 ‰ (5 newly added).

ESI (Essential Science Indicators) basic scientific indicator database is a basic analysis and evaluation tool launched by ISI, a world-renowned academic information publishing institution, to measure scientific research performance and track scientific development trend. It is one of the vital indicators used to evaluate university disciplines and international academic influence at present.

Editor: Zhan Chan

Chief Editor: Zhang Yajun

Senior Editor: Yang Lan

Translator: Zhou Qi
