

Meeting for the Advancement of Engineering Disciplines Held at GZU
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-02-16   浏览次数:10

On February 16th, a meeting for the advancement of engineering disciplines was held at Guizhou University (GZU). Vice President Zhang Dalin presided over the meeting. Vice President Wu Pan, leaders of relevant departments, colleges, and affiliated scientific research institutions were present at the meeting.

At the meeting, the participants had in-depth exchanges and discussion on the current situation and on existing problems of engineering discipline construction, and on plans for what to do next. 

The meeting pointed out that strengthening engineering discipline construction is a requirement for the development of GZU and the advancement of “Double First-Class” construction, as well as a need for local and national development strategies. We should deepen our understanding and unite our consensus to establish a sense of the overall situation. We need to focus on the problems, concentrate on the weak areas, take multiple measures, and promote the improvement and innovation of the GZU’s construction of engineering disciplines.

It is stressed that we should promote effectively the transformation of engineering construction from scale expansion to quality improvement in light with the decision of “strengthening GZU” by the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, and with the new requirements of “Double First-Class” construction. We need strengthen weak areas through the target- and result-oriented approach. We should rationalize the relationship between basic disciplines, traditional disciplines, and cutting-edge disciplines, strengthen the integration and coordination of disciplines, resources, platforms and other elements, optimize the layout of disciplines, and develop our advantages. We will also implement the “2114” talent project, make more efforts to introduce and cultivate talents, and build a stronger talent team.

Editor: Pang Aizhong

Chief Editor: Zhang Yajun

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Xiao Qi
