

Provincial Leader Xu Lin Visits GZU
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-02-18   浏览次数:10

On February 16, Xu Lin, secretary of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial People's Congress, went to Guizhou University (GZU) to investigate the work on education, science and technology and talent cultivation. He stressed the need to study and implement the guiding principles of 20th CPC National Congress and General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech made in his inspection of Guizhou, and to contribute to the province's high-quality development and modernization.

GZU, with 39 colleges, is a national “double first-class” university and a key university of “Project 211”.

With a long history, GZU plays a leading role the province’s higher education. Xu came to the History Museum to learn about GZU’s history, and praised the university for its rich cultural heritage and talents. He hoped that GZU would stay committed to cultivating talents for the Party and the country, taking the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress into the campus, classrooms and teaching materials and developing itself into a high-level comprehensive university well-known at home and abroad. The CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and the provincial government will fully support the development of GZU by providing better services and creating a better environment for its “double first-class” construction.

In May 2011, during his visit to GZU, President Xi Jinping attended a thematic reading session for students at the Chinese Culture Academy and gave important instructions. To review the scene at that time, Xu came to the Academy, learnt about its activities and academic research and he appreciated the efforts and achievements of the Academy. According to Xu, it is necessary to keep Xi's instructions in mind, act in line with the practical conditions of Guizhou, deepen academic research, practice the unity of knowledge and action, and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of the fine traditional Chinese culture, so that the influence, cohesion and appeal of Chinese civilization can be fully demonstrated.

Xu Lin's visit to Chinese Culture Academy at GZU

Xu came to State Key Laboratory of Green Pesticide & Agricultural Bioengineering and State Key Laboratory of Public Big Data of GZU, and inquired in details about the development, scientific research achievements, and talent training of the laboratory. He also expressed his congratulations to GZU on its laboratories getting approved as State Key Laboratories and fully affirmed its practice of building a national high-level talent team on the basis of laboratories and leading talents. He hoped that GZU would leverage its advantages and characteristics, to make its contribution to the self-reliance and self-improvement of Guizhou’s science and technology and to major breakthroughs in key and core technology.

Xu Lin’s visit to State Key Laboratory of Green Pesticide & Agricultural Bioengineering of GZU

Computing Center of State Key Laboratory of Public Big Data of GZU

Afterwards, Xu visited GZU Science Park. The Park is a university science park at national level which integrates the functions of incubating enterprise, transforming scientific and technological achievements and providing services in science and technology. At present, there are 145 enterprises in the park.

Xu listened to the introduction of the development of the park and observed the entrepreneurship training course. He was pleased to review the achievements of Guizhou’s “golden decade” development with the energetic young entrepreneurs. He also hoped that young students can seize the opportunity, make good use of the resources and transform their knowledge and intelligence into productivity, and thus contribute to the development of Guizhou and the nation.

After that, Xu watched the display of products and technologies of the enterprises in the park, and communicated with the business owners about the scientific and technological innovation and the development of industry-university-research integration. According to him, it is important to fully play the park’s role as a platform and carrier, promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain and talent chain, and thus form the characteristics and advantages of the park. In addition, it is necessary to place higher education in a more prominent position, deepen the reform of the management system of universities, and concentrate the strengths and resources from all sides, in order to promote higher education in Guizhou, and provide strong support for the high-quality development and modernization of the province.

Xu Lin interacted with the young entrepreneurs attending the training at GZU Science Park.

Provincial leaders, including Lu Yongzheng, Shi Yubao, Chen Shaobo and Zhang Jingping, as well as related personnel from GZU accompanied Xu and participated in the inspection.

Editor: Pang Aizhong

Chief Editor: Zhang Yajun

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Xiao Qi
