

Lecture on “First Lesson of the School Year” Given by Head of GZU
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-03-03   浏览次数:10

On March 3rd, Li Jianjun, secretary of CPC GZU Committee gave a lecture on “First Lesson of the School Year” on the West Campus of GZU. Li elaborated the history of GZU and inspired student participants to cultivate a strong sense of patriotism and became fighters for China’s prosperity in the new era.

Li said that in the past 120 years, under the support from all walks of life and outstanding alumni, GZU has made great strides and developed into a "double first-class" university jointly built by the Ministry of Education and Guizhou Province. GZU has made remarkable achievements in the areas of Party building, talent training, discipline construction, scientific research, international exchange and social services. At the same time, the “red” stories in GZU's history, are a “treasure” in its development and worthy of learning and inheritance, said Li.

Li pointed out that 2022 marked the 120th anniversary of the founding of GZU. As witnesses of the development of GZU, students should keep their country and university in mind. He hoped that the students would take the 120th anniversary of GZU as a new starting point, and study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress with Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as guidance. He also hoped that the students should shoulder the mission of the times, and strive to build China into a strong country in the new era.

The lecture “First Lesson of the School Year” was presided over by Luo Changjiang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of GZU, and attended by the heads of relevant departments, instructors of all colleges and student representatives.

Editor: Pang Aizhong & Kang Meihua

Chief Editor: Zhang Yajun

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Wang Xiaomin
