

Perspectives of GZU Leaders, Faculty and Students upon National Two Sessions
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-03-07   浏览次数:10

On March 4th and 5th, the First Session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the First Session of the 14th National People’s Congress were successfully held in Beijing. The leaders, faculty, and students of GZU followed the proceedings of the meetings through various channels and listened to the government work report. They were earnest studying and understanding the spirit of the Two Sessions.

Li Jianjun (Secretary of the CPC GZU Committee): The Two Sessions were held solemnly amidst the eager anticipation of the people of all ethnic groups across the country. Premier Li Keqiang’s government work report features lofty aspirations, concrete themes, rich content, profound thoughts and simplistic delivery. Eyeing on innovating on the basis of what has worked in the past and building on past achievements, the report carries considerable political, theoretical, ideological, and practical significance. It emphasizes “promoting innovation in higher education”,which is a practical measure to promote the innovation and development of education, self-reliance and self-strengthening in science and technology, and the strategy of building a strong country with talented people. It provides guidance and an action plan for the high-quality development of education on the new journey. GZU will continue to adhere to the principles of cultivating talent for the Party and for the country, firmly stick to the direction of socialist education, fully implement the fundamental task of fostering virtuous talent through moral education, integrate the three-in-one education concept of “shaping values, cultivating abilities, and imparting knowledge” into education and teaching, and guide faculty and students to transform their gratitude into loyalty, commitments, and aspiration for progress. The university will make greater efforts to promote its “Double First-Class” construction and strive to write its own chapter of modernization with Chinese characteristics.

Song Bao’an (Deputy to the 14th National People’s Congress, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and President of GZU): The National Two Sessions have successfully opened at a new critical historical juncture. Premier Li Keqiang’s government work report is realistic and heartwarming, and it is a great report that focuses on uniting the people and strengthening their confidence. In particular, the report clearly emphasizes “promoting innovation in higher education,” which is a key measure for the coordinated “three-in-one” strategic development of education, science and technology, and talented personnel. In the next step, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, GZU will firmly undertake the fundamental task of fostering virtuous talent through education, adhere to the “three-level holistic education” and “five-channel education” principles, focus on the “Double First-Class” construction and the joint construction of the university by the Ministry and the Province, fully leverage the advantages of disciplines, talents, and platforms. GZU will rely on talented personnel, place technological innovation at the core, and take serving the local area as a fundamental task, so as to play a greater role in the modernization of “Colorful Guizhou”.

Zhang Ruiliang (Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the CPC GZU Committee and Vice President of the GZU Party School): The much-anticipated National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference grandly opened, marking the start of the “Two Sessions Season” in China. This is the first national Two Sessions after the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the CPC. At this critical historical juncture, this year’s Two Sessions will systematically arrange and deploy major strategic tasks to deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress and the new journey, and will fulfill important tasks such as electing new leaders of State organs and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. This is a major event and joyous occasion in the political life of people of all ethnic groups in China, which is of great importance and far-reaching influence. As a university Party staff member, I will continue to closely follow the Two Sessions, study and publicize its spirit, and combine it with my work to ensure full implementation and to contribute to high-quality development of the university under the guidance of Party building.

Wang Di (Secretary of the CPC Committee of the College of Tourism and Culture Industry): After listening to the government work report made by Premier Li Keqiang, I deeply realize that 2022 is an extremely important year in the history of the Party and the country. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, our country has achieved new and hard-won accomplishments in its development, with a stable running economy and steadily improving development quality. As university Party staff members, we are greatly inspired and encouraged. We must take on a high sense of political responsibility and a strong sense of historical mission, wholeheartedly support the “two establishes” and faithfully practice the “two upholds”. We must keep in mind our original aspirations and stay true to the Party’s founding mission, comprehensively implement the Party’s educational policies, and strengthen the political and organizational functions of grass-roots Party organizations. It is our fundamental task to cultivate talent for the Party and the country, and to make greater contributions to the high-quality construction and development of higher education in Guizhou.

Ji Fei (Deputy Director of the Department of United Front of the CPC GZU Committee): Premier Li Keqiang pointed out in the government work report that “we should, with a focus on forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy and encourage all our ethnic groups to strive in unity for common prosperity and development.” As united front staff members in the university, we must study and understand in depth the spirit of the Two Sessions and take Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era as our guide, comprehensively implement the spirit of the Party’s 20th National Congress, and incorporate the need to forge a sense of community for the Chinese nation into the classroom, textbooks, campus culture, teaching management and services. We must do a great job in “shaping values, cultivating abilities, and passing on knowledge”, so as to make our own GZU’s contributions to the solid building of Guizhou Province as a model province for promoting the forging of a sense of community for the Chinese nation.

Zhou Bin (Deputy Director of the Office of International Relations): At the new historical starting point, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core is leading the whole Party, the entire military, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through comprehensive promotion of Chinese modernization. The horn is louder, the action more determined, the pace more consistent, and the will more tenacious. In recent years, by closely focusing on the “Four News” (new technologies, new industries, new forms of business, and new models) and the “Four Transformations” (the intelligentization of industries, the industrialization of intelligence, cross-boundary integration, and the high-end branding of products), solid achievements have been made in Guizhou and the high-quality development of Guizhou’s higher education. The economic and social development has steadily progressed, further enhancing our confidence and determination to root in Guizhou, serve Guizhou, and contribute to Guizhou. As a grassroots Party member and staff member of the university, I will take the initiative to study and implement the spirit of the Party’s 20th National Congress and the National Two Sessions. I will carry out my duties, actively participate in the great endeavor of building a modern socialist country, fully implement the fundamental task of moral education, and strive to cultivate talents of the new era who are capable of shouldering important responsibilities for the development of the Party and the country as well as Guizhou.

Jiao Jingchao (Secretary of the Graduates’ Party Branch and Secretary of the Youth League Committee of College of Marxism): The convening of the National People’s Congress is a major event in our political life. We must take moral education and the cultivation of students’ character as our fundamental task, enhance our sense of responsibility and mission, adhere to the principle of “breadth and depth”, and contribute to the cultivation of a new generation of talents who are capable of shouldering the great task of national rejuvenation in the new era. At the same time, I will always adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, conscientiously implement his important philosophy on education, and take moral education and the cultivation of talent as my own responsibility. I will seek to deepen educational reform, seize opportunities, and make careful plans around the requirements of the government work report, and effectively carry out teaching, scientific research, management, and service work. I will spare no effort to help strengthen the construction of teachers’ ethics, actively contribute to talent cultivation, and serve the high-quality development of our university.

An Zhidan (A 2022 graduate student in Business Administration at the College of Management): This year’s national Two Sessions have received extraordinary attention. In terms of economic development, how China will “strive” in 2023 and how to “stabilize” growth are the main focuses of this year’s event. Standing at the critical juncture of the new era, we review the glory of history, position ourselves in the present, and look ahead to a brand-new future. As young students of the new era, we GZU students will sharpen our will, move forward with courage and determination, and connect our learning and growth with the cause of the Party and the state and the needs of society and the people. We are always ready to advance the cause of building a modern socialist country, and let our youth blossom in the unremitting struggle for the country and the people.

Zeng Xiao (A 2021 graduate student in Law at the College of Law): As the head of the Xishan Qingyu Publicity Group and a graduate student majoring in law, I should learn from the deputies and members of the Congress and do my best to integrate my legal knowledge into the publicity of the spirit of the Party’s 20th National Congress. For social practice, I will go to rural areas to provide legal aid, help the people to solve their problems, and contribute to the rule of law in achieving Chinese modernization. Although I am still on campus at this moment and cannot stand on the front line of the rule of law, I will surely rush to the forefront of the rule of law in Chinese modernization after completing my studies.

He Jinpeng (A graduate student in Marxist Theory at the College of Marxism, Class of 2022): At the historical intersection of the “Two Centenary” goals, we are faced with unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Only by working hard with the people and advancing with the times, serving the people, and dedicating ourselves to the country, can we be on the right track. Only by integrating our life ideals into the cause of the country and the people can we ultimately achieve success. As college students of the new era, we should focus on the top priorities of the country, shoulder the mission of the times, and bear in mind the “three necessities”. We must display our courage and enthusiasm, demonstrate our determination and perseverance, carry out scientific research based on our motherland, and create new wonders with unremitting efforts.

Ming Hui (A full-time counselor for graduate students at the Graduate Work Department of the CPC GZU Committee): The Two Sessions held at this critical moment are important events in Chinese people’s political life. As university counselors, we must fulfill our duties responsibly, set right examples for students, and follow the important topics of the Two Sessions and the development of our country. We must guide the young students to consciously integrate their personal pursuits into the struggle for the cause of the Party and the people. We must also guide them to firmly believe in moving forward, to establish lofty ideals, to pursue moral excellence, to develop their talents, and to assume great responsibilities. By doing these we expect the young students to make new achievements on the new journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

He Hongmin (A 2022 graduate student in Political Science at the College of Public Administration): When young people are strong, the country is strong. The graduate students in Political Science are carrying forward the excellent tradition of the “Reading and Sharing Meetings” and they appreciate political classics together. From the classics we understand that “the people are the greatest source of strength for the Party to govern and develop the country” and that “development is the primary task of the Party in governing and developing the country”. History is passed on from generation to generation, and the cause of the Party and the country continues to advance. As students in political science, we must first be firm in our cultural confidence, deeply study the political ideas and thinking from our excellent traditional culture, and secondly, acquire an extensive command of the political frameworks and cultures from western political classics.

Huang Jincheng (A 2021 undergraduate student in Labor Protection at College of Public Administration): Practice has shown us that the success of the Party and socialism with Chinese characteristics is rooted in Marxism that has been localized and adapted to the times. We should actively study Marxist theories and thinking. Practice has no end, and theoretical innovation is also free of limit. On the new journey in the new era, we are faced with arduous tasks, and the road ahead is long and treacherous. We must enhance our sense of crisis, be prepared for danger in times of peace, and stay ready to face any difficulties and challenges that may arise.

Editor: Pang Aizhong

Chief Editor: Zhang Yajun

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Jia Haibo
