

GZU National Intellectual Property Information Service Center Unveiled
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-04-24   浏览次数:10

On the morning of April 24th, the unveiling ceremony of the GZU National Intellectual Property Information Service Center was successfully held at the West Campus Library. The ceremony was attended by distinguished representatives including Wu Yang, deputy director of the Intellectual Property Strategy Department of the Provincial Intellectual Property Administration; Zhang Yu, director of the National Intellectual Property Information Service Center of Yunnan University; Yang Li, deputy director of the Guizhou Medical University Library; and Chen Xiangsheng, vice president of GZU. Also present at the event were Zhang Zhengping and He Jun, the director and deputy director of the GZU Library, along with other relevant personnel. The ceremony was presided over by He Jun.

Chen Xiangsheng highlighted GZU’s efforts in the field of intellectual property. The university has been increasing investment, strengthening whole-process management, prioritizing quality, and promoting patent transformation. Chen Xiangsheng underscored several key points for the future development of the GZU National Intellectual Property Information Service Center. Firstly, goals should be defined, and intellectual property services should be integrated with the university’s scientific innovation and research management. Secondly, service capabilities need to be enhanced by coordinating resources in literature information services, scientific research, and technology transfer and transformation. Thirdly, the team should be strengthened by leveraging the intellectual property talent across different departments. Lastly, exchanges should be encouraged, and successful examples of patent quality enhancement and technology transformation and application should be promoted.

Wu Yang emphasized that GZU’s inclusion in the “Fourth Batch of National Intellectual Property Information Service Centers in Universities” fills a crucial gap in Guizhou’s construction of intellectual property information research and service platforms. This achievement indicates a more balanced and coordinated development prospect for intellectual property public service institutions in the province. Wu Yang hoped that this endeavor would generate more “GZU experiences” in intellectual property and contribute significantly to supporting the construction of a strong province in intellectual property, eventually facilitating high-quality development and driving new advancements in the construction of a vibrant and modern Guizhou.

Zhang Zhengping stressed that the GZU center will uphold the principles of “innovation, cooperation, and quality” in its services, with a focus on the university and its commitment to serving the province. The center aims to provide support and services throughout the process of intellectual property creation, utilization, protection, and management for both the university and the local community. Its primary objectives include promoting intellectual property innovation, creation, transfer, and transformation, as well as delivering high-quality intellectual property information services to facilitate collaborative innovation and discipline development at the university level, and foster scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading at a broader scale.

During the ceremony, Chen Xiangsheng and Wu Yang jointly unveiled the GZU National Intellectual Property Information Service Center. Furthermore, a strategic cooperation agreement was signed between the GZU center and the National Intellectual Property Information Service Center of Yunnan University.

After the ceremony, the participants visited the Gratitude Book House of the university and shared their experiences and ideas regarding the construction of a strong university in intellectual property.

Editor: Chen Fang

Chief Editor: Li Xufeng, Pang Aizhong

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Jia Haibo
