

GZU and Institute of Modern Physics of CAS Sign “Joint Undergraduate Education Program”
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-04-26   浏览次数:10

On April 24th, the signing ceremony of the “Joint Undergraduate Education Program” between Guizhou University and the Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences was held in the East Campus of GZU. Yuan Ping, vice director of the Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Zhou Shaoqi, vice president of GZU attended the signing ceremony. Officials from our university’s Office of External Cooperation, Office of Educational Administration, and College of Physics also participated. The ceremony was presided over by Wang Gengsheng, secretary of the Party Committee of College of Physics.

Zhou Shaoqi gave a brief introduction to GZU and its College of Physics, hoping that both sides would take the opportunity of the “Joint Undergraduate Education Program” to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in talent cultivation, discipline construction, and academic research so as to promote the high-quality development of physics.

Yuan Ping expressed the hope that joint efforts will be made by both sides to improve the quality of talent cultivation to better serve the country’s economic and social development.Yuan Xiaohua, director of the Education Department of Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Jiang Yang, dean of College of Physics of GZU, signed the “Joint Undergraduate Education Program Cooperation Agreement” on behalf of both sides.

Editor: Pang Aizhong & Ning Yumei

Chief Editor: Li Xufeng   

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Tan Jing
