

The 15th Cross-Strait Seminar for Heads of Cross-Strait Affairs Departments of Prestigious Universities Held at GZU
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-05-22   浏览次数:10

On May 18th, the 15th Cross-Strait Seminar for Heads of Cross-Strait Affairs Departments of Prestigious Universities took place at Guizhou University (GZU). Officials present at the opening ceremony included Liu Jin, director of Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges (Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs) of the Ministry of Education, Liu Rui, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Guizhou Province, Wang Hui, deputy director of the Education Department of Guizhou Province, Wang Ziqi, president of Chinese Culture University (Taiwan), and Academician Song Bao'an, president of GZU. Over 130 representatives from 70 universities across the strait participated in the seminar.

Liu Jin emphasized the Ministry of Education's strong commitment to the role of education in cross-strait exchanges and its active support for the educational exchanges and cooperation between universities across the strait. Liu said the Ministry of Education encouraged cross-strait teachers’ and students’ exchanges and visits, as well as joint talent cultivation, in order to enhance the quality of education and contribute to the economic and social development by leveraging their geographical and cultural advantages.

Wang Hui highlighted Guizhou’s recent advancements in education, its educational exchanges and cooperation as well as the profound friendship with Taiwan. She regarded this seminar in Guiyang as a new platform for educational exchanges and expressed confidence that it would undoubtedly contribute to new achievements in cross-strait education. She hoped that universities in Guizhou and Taiwan could deepen their understanding, enhance friendship, deepen exchanges and cooperation, and jointly promote the innovative development of higher education across the strait in the new era.

On behalf of GZU, Song Bao'an warmly welcomed the participants present. He provided an overview of the university's recent progress in scientific research, discipline construction, talent cultivation, faculty team, and cooperation with Taiwanese universities in the field of education. As GZU strives to accelerate its "Double First-Class" construction and enhance its international educational standards, deepening educational cooperation with Taiwanese universities assumes great significance. Song said that the university, emphasizing "quality," "innovation," and "openness," would introduce high-quality educational resources from Taiwan, including talent cultivation models, university culture and management systems, in order to promote mutual development and cultivate high-level talents with a global perspective. He also mentioned leveraging information technology advantages, exploring new forms of cross-strait educational cooperation such as "Internet Plus" and "Intelligence Plus," and expanding the scale and level of educational exchanges.

Wang Ziqi conducted a comprehensive analysis of the current state of higher education in Taiwan and expressed optimism for future cooperation between universities across the strait. He emphasized that this seminar has built a bridge of friendship for communication and cooperation, and he expressed hopes for further deepening of cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in the future.

This seminar revolved around the theme of "Promoting Education Exchange and Cooperation between Universities across the Strait in the New Era," explored the current situation and paths of educational exchanges and cooperation between universities across the strait in the new era, and exchanged views on promoting the integration and development of cross-strait education. Keynote speeches were delivered by Tang Yanbo, president of China University of Technology (Taiwan), Zhang Baorong, director of the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Research Center of Xiamen University, and Dong Baocheng, vice president of Soochow University. Group discussions were held on topics such as "Opportunities and Challenges for Educational Exchanges and Cooperation between Universities across the Strait in the New Era," "Promoting Cross-Strait Educational Exchanges and Cooperation," and "Strengthening Student Management and Protection of Students’ Rights and Interests in Cross-Strait Exchanges".

It is reported that the "Cross-Strait Seminar for Heads of Cross-Strait Affairs Departments of Prestigious Universities" is organized in response to the initiative of the " President Forum and Networking Activities for Cross-Strait and Hong Kong, Macao Universities." The next year's seminar will be hosted by Chung Yuan Christian University in Taiwan.

Linghu Caitao, deputy secretary of the CPC GZU Committee, attended the closing ceremony and delivered a speech. Zhou Shaoqi, vice president of the university, presided over the opening and closing ceremonies.

Editors: Pang Aizhong, Zhang Chan

Chief Editor: Li Xufeng

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Xiao Qi
