

Delegation from Conservatorio di Musica “Santa Cecilia” di Roma Visits GZU
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-05-23   浏览次数:10

On the afternoon of May 22, a delegation from Conservatorio di Musica “Santa Cecilia” di Roma visited GZU. The delegation was led by Emanuela Salucci, Director of the Vocal Department, and Lea Pavarini, Head of the International Relations Committee. The meeting was attended by Zhou Jin, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Education, and Li Jianjun, Secretary of the CPC GZU Committee. Zhou Shaoqi, Vice President of GZU, presided over the meeting.

In his speech, Li Jianjun reviewed the previous visit of GZU to Conservatorio di Musica “Santa Cecilia” di Roma and emphasized that this visit presented an excellent opportunity to deepen cooperation between the two institutions. He encouraged both sides to make joint efforts to solidly promote cooperation and achieve fruitful results.

Emanuela Salucci expressed her hope that on the basis of signing a cooperative agreement, both sides would further strengthen cooperation in cultural communication, talent cultivation, education, and teaching, and continuously expand the scope and content of their collaboration.

During the meeting, the two institutions signed a cooperative agreement to establish bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, launch advanced music classes, share academic information and publications, and organize joint lectures and seminars.

Editor: Pang Aizhong; Gao Xiujuan

Chief Editor: Li Xufeng

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Jia Haibo
