

GZU Leader Makes Keynote Speech at the National Conference on Rule of Law in Higher Education
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-07-04   浏览次数:10

Recently, the National Conference on Rule of Law in Higher Education, hosted by the Ministry of Education, was held at Chang’an University. Attendees included Dai Binbin, Deputy Governor of Shaanxi Province, Xu Xianming, Vice President of the China Law Society, and Deng Chuanhuai, Director of the Department of Policies and Regulationsof the Ministry of Education. Representatives from provincial education departments and relevant universities also participated in the conference.

In order to summarize the excellent experience of provincial education departments and universities in law-based school governance, the Ministry of Education selected ten universities that have achieved fruitful results in this aspect to share their experience at the conference. Guizhou University is one of the ten selected. On behalf of GZU, Zhang Dalin, the Vice President, delivered a keynote speech at the conference, showcasing the innovation and uniqueness of “GZU experience” in law-based school governance.

He stressed that GZU has integrated the resources and made full play of its advantages in discipline and talent to promote the construction of a law-based university in recent years. Thus, it succeeded in exploring a pattern of law-based governance with distinctive GZU characteristics and making contributions to the development of the local economy and society. In the future, GZU will advance law-based governance in multiple areas, such as talent cultivation, disciplinary construction, scientific research, and social services. It will continue to integrate judicial resources to enhance the rule of law in school governance, strengthen legal education and theoretical research, so as to contribute to the construction of a rule-of-law China, a rule-of-law Guizhou, and a rule-of-law university.

Editor: Zhang Chan&Chen Fang

Chief Editor: Li Xufeng

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Tan Jing
