

Signing Ceremony Marks Strategic Cooperation between Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences and GZU
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-07-20   浏览次数:10

On the morning of July 18, a strategic cooperation signing ceremony between Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences and GZU took place at the Xianzheng Building. This initiative aims to leverage the strengths of both institutions to advance the development of academic disciplines and contribute to Guizhou’s economic and social development. Notable attendees included Party Secretary Li Jianjun and Vice President Qi Si from GZU, and Party Secretary Wu Dahua, Dean Zhang Xueli, and Deputy Dean Suo Xiaoxia from Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences. Relevant leaders and representatives from various departments of both institutions also attended the meeting. The event was presided over by Qi Si.

Li Jianjun, speaking on behalf of GZU, expressed gratitude for the consistent support from Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences. He emphasized the deep connection between the two institutions and underlined that the signing of this agreement signifies an important step forward. He expressed his hope for a long-lasting partnership, deeper friendship, and increased cooperative efforts to build upon previous achievements. Li stated that in recent years, both institutions have engaged in in-depth cooperation across various fields, yielding important achievements and establishing a solid foundation for future collaboration. This partnership has also provided strong support for GZU’s “Double First-Class” construction and its high-quality development. In this regard, GZU is committed to fully mobilizing the university’s resources and diligently implementing the cooperative agreements to further contribute to mutual development.

Zhang Xueli pointed out that GZU hosts a complete range of disciplines and has made remarkable achievements in recent years in talent cultivation, scientific research, social services, and international exchanges, significantly contributing to Guizhou’s economic and social development. As an important institution for political consultation, theoretical innovation, public opinion guidance, and social services, Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences shares extensive intersections with GZU in the field of humanities and social sciences. The cooperation between the two institutions will further highlight the role of the academy. He expressed the belief that after the signing of the agreement, the scope and depth of cooperation between the two sides will continue to expand.

During the meeting, both sides engaged in extensive discussions on several important topics, including the cultivation of master’s and doctoral students, the evaluation and application for doctoral programs, and disciplinary construction. They also discussed collaborative event planning, the future development of Guizhou University Press, and strategies for enhancing services at both institutions. Discussions also covered the establishment of a regular cooperation mechanism to ensure effective implementation at the level of colleges, research institutes, and other secondary departments.

Wu Dahua stated that this cooperation will provide substantial support for both sides to achieve shared goals. He proposed three suggestions. Firstly, both sides should strengthen their cooperation to jointly build a national-level high-end think tank. Secondly, communication with higher authorities should be enhanced to fully leverage the role of the academy in promoting social development. Thirdly, a task list should be set up on a yearly basis to ensure the implementation of the agreement in detail, addressing various aspects of development including talent cultivation, scientific achievements, and societal impact.

Editor: Yin Zixi

Chief Editor: Li Xufeng

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Jia Haibo
