

Professor of GZU Awarded the Title of Service Model in the Campaign of Bringing Three Voluntary Services to the Countryside
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-08-17   浏览次数:10

Recently, the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee issued a notice announcing the list of demonstration projects, outstanding teams, and service models in the Campaign of Bringing Three Voluntary Services to the Countryside. Professor Yu Yafang, Party Secretary of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Guizhou University, was awarded the title of service model in the Campaign. 

Teachers and students of Guizhou University have always actively participated in social practice activities. They have led their efforts to apply modern agricultural technologies and carry out cultural construction and free clinic activities in rural areas. Among them, a large number of advanced models have emerged, fully demonstrating the fruitful achievements of the Campaign of Bringing Three Voluntary Services to the Countryside.



Editor: Pang Aizhong

Chief Editor: Li Xufeng

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Tan Jing
