

GZU Organizes China-ASEAN Xishan Forum on Life Sciences
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-09-03   浏览次数:10

On August 31, the 2023 China-ASEAN Xishan Forum on Life Sciences opened in Room 617 of Tongren Building on GZU’s South Campus. This sub-forum was organized by GZU’s College of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, and Key Laboratory of Mountain Plant Resources Protection and Germplasm Innovation of the Ministry of Education. Themed “Frontiers of Life Sciences and Germplasm Innovation”, this event attracted over 100 participants, including experts and students from ASEAN countries, the UK and India, as well as from domestic institutions, including Tibet University, Huazhong Agricultural University, and GZU. The forum was chaired by Professor Wen Xiaopeng from the Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology at GZU.

Professor Chen Xiangsheng, Vice President of GZU, delivered a speech in which he emphasized GZU’s longstanding commitment to open education and international collaboration. He highlighted the pivotal role this forum plays in fostering academic exchanges in life sciences among postgraduates from China, ASEAN, and other countries, as well as in optimizing the development and utilization of biological germplasm resources. Chen expressed confidence that through such meaningful communication, China-ASEAN people-to-people exchanges are poised to achieve even greater success in the future.

Prominent presenters at the forum included Muthusamy Ramakrishnan, an Indian scholar and associate professor at Nanjing Forestry University; Srayan Ghosh, a postdoctoral researcher at Durham University, UK; Professor Chen Chunli, a visiting scholar at Durham University, UK; and Professor Zhou Yonghong from Tibet University. Additionally, ten postgraduate students, including Cai Xiaowei from GZU and Liu Yanjiang from Tibet University, presented their research.

The China-ASEAN Xishan Forum on Life Sciences is a vital platform promoting academic exchanges between China and ASEAN countries in the field of life sciences. It will continuously contribute to the high-quality development of life sciences in both China and ASEAN countries.

Editor: Pang Aizhong

Chief Editor: Li Xufeng

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Jia Haibo
