

Guizhou University Wins the “National Best Team Award”
发布人:fl  发布时间:2023-09-07   浏览次数:10

Recently, the “Top 100 Model” List of Exemplary University Student Associations 2022 was released. Guizhou University’s 24th Graduate Student Volunteer Teaching Team (Jinping Branch) was honored with the “National Best Team Award”.

"Top 100 Model"List of Exemplary University Student Associations” is jointly released by China Education Support Project (known as the ZhiXing Plan), Youth Impact Innovation Center, and Campus Action Alliance. It aims to encourage and recognize university student associations, teams, and individuals who are actively engaged in actions such as rural revitalization, volunteer teaching, professional sports events, environmental protection, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

In the future, Guizhou University’s Graduate Student Volunteer Teaching Team will remain true to its original mission and bravely take on its responsibilities. They aim to help children in rural areas realize their hopes and dreams.

Editor: Pang Aizhong & Han Xiaomei

Chief Editor: Li Xufeng

Senior Editor: Yang Nan

Translator: Wang Xiaomin
