

GZU Receives Guests from Alabama, USA
发布人:fl  发布时间:2024-06-27   浏览次数:10

On June 26, Guizhou University (GZU) received a visiting delegation from the University of North Alabama (UNA), United States, led by Dr. Hu Po, the American university's associate provost for international affairs. GZU vice president Dr. Zhou Shaoqi, along with Dr. Hong Yun, director of GZU's Office of International Relations and dean of the North Alabama International College of Engineering and Technology, met with the delegation on campus.

At the meeting, Dr. Zhou welcomed the guests and briefed them on GZU's latest development in academic affairs and international cooperation. He also expressed his hopes for more cooperation and exchange between the two universities.

Dr. Hu, on his part, congratulated GZU on its recent accomplishments and informed his hosts of the UNA's history, recent developments and rankings. He also called on the two institutions to give fresh momentum to their existing faculty and student exchanges and joint degree program.

The two sides also explored potential opportunities to expand their collaboration on degree programs, faculty exchange, etc.

Editor: He Xuan and Pang Aizhong

Chief Editor: Zhang Chan

Senior Editor: Li Xufeng

Translator: Du Xiaorui
